Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I remember debating the Trudeau quote "the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation" in highschool and my partner (who did all the research and most of the talking) found a three-way in some translation of the Bible. So that probably makes it traditional enough for the Senator.
(the right to the pursuit of a three way is probably in the fine print to your constitution as well, you just need to find it (it's probably out partying with the second amendment and the other good-time clauses).
The Preamble covers it " in order to form a more perfect union . . . ")
As does 1st Amendment (Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the right of people to
Amendment 19 states that a person "shall not be denied . . . sex"
Of course, the drafters helped out Congress as well. See 16th Amendment ("Congress shall have the power to lay"). See also 17th Amendment ("when vacancies happen . . . people fill the vacanicies").
There you go. Have at it.