Poll: are any of these women fabulous?
I'm just wondering what the guys of the FB think of these Bachelor girls. Personally I have found none of the Bachelors to be even marginally attractive, and as for the guys on the Bachelorette, there were a couple of cuties but none of the guys in her top group blew my skirt up.
I've noticed that Mr. Firestone's bachelorettes have complexions that aren't as smooth as they ought to be for women of their purported ages. OTOH, perhaps they've gotten too much sun, because there's not a lot of the emotional depth that you might expect from women who have earned their little laugh lines (however slight they may be, just put some kinetin on them and the makup won't cake up so much, dear).
Last edited by robustpuppy; 04-24-2003 at 02:04 PM..