Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Interesting. When what's-his-name jumped into the vortex with Baby Connor, Mrs. Grinch was all upset that they killed off a baby. I told her that the Laws of Television Plot required Connor to live, in some form or another. She put $100 on it. Sucker, I thought. Never got the dough, though. If he gets killed off, she'll probably argue that we have to restate the family balance sheet.
Rich comic book and television tradition states that babies, once born, cannot stick around for too long. They must be either kidnapped, killed off, growth accelorated, or end up in the custody of a parent that is not a regular cast member. Babies are boring after the fourth episode. On soap operas, they're born, are cute for a few episodes, get shipped off to boarding school and come back two years later fully formed. In supernatural shows, almost inevitably, the baby is taken to another dimension or time, raised by someone with different values, and then brought back to adapt to this crazy place we call earth. (See the life of Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring-Summers aka Cable of the X-Men for a perfect example of this.) Then they're adults and they're fair game. It was obvious that this was going to happen to Conner the second Angel named him after the main character in Terminator.