Originally posted by ThrashersFan
Is it rude to stop sending cards to people who never, not for any occasion, have sent me a fucking card??
No, it's like the "invitations" rule: issue one, and if the person doesn't make a counter offer (or accept), you have made all the effort required of you and can stop. If you are desperate to maintain/establish a relationslhip, you can issue up to three without acceptance/reciprocal invitations, but after the 3rd you are obligated to stop, because you are pestering a person who has affirmatively expressed a lack of interest. 3 regretfully rejected invitations is civil-eze for "piss off, I want nothing to do with you, you stalker."
Similarly with cards & notes and such. If they don't send one back, you can stop. If they don't send one back after you've sent 3, you SHOULD stop. And if anyone bitches about it later, you can say with all confidence, "oh, you never wrote back, so I assumed your silence meant you were ignoring me to break things off." All social etiquette is based on the idea of reciprocity - no one has duties to anyone else who doesn't have reciprocal obligations to them, and the abandonment of the obligations on one side relieves the other. (NB: Reciprocity does not mean equivalence.)
I tend to send out cursory Christmas cards to a wider group, though, just so they have my address in case anyone wants to die and leave me their fortune.