Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Argh, yes, this annoys the pants off of me.
You need work on your idea of aversion training.
I keep running into the types who order the shrimp-encrusted steak with salmon-and-crab side meals and the three glasses of the Chateau Lafette Effete '63 and then announce, at the end, that "we'll just split". Yeah, effin right we will. I just give them a pitying look, and say "damn, that's a good idea - you should have announced that before we ordered!", and then put my calculated share on the table next to them. If they persevere, only then do I point out that it's never the salad-and-a-roll people who suggest a split.
You can't let other people shame you into paying their way simply because you are too nice to call an ass an ass. That's the asses' greatest weapon.