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Old 04-25-2003, 05:24 PM   #3391
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90210 reunion

Originally posted by dtb
Interesting you should ask.

As I was looking up the character who I later discovered to be "Heather" on the imdb site, I noticed that indeed Janine Turner WAS on GH during the years I watched. Her character's name was "_____ Templeton" so I guess she was Demi Moore's sister.

Jackie Zeman is STILL on the show! Next to her name, it says (1975 - present). GEEZ!
Her name was Laura Templeton. She had long blond hair and was supposed to be some sort of double for the other Laura.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:26 PM   #3392
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Schadenfreudapalooza (pp: nice re line, btw)

Originally posted by ltl/fb
I have no idea which of the guys in the movie who played gay guys are gay IRL, and which aren't. I don't think Dean is IRL.
Dean had sex with my [female] college roommate (many times), so if he's into dudes, I guess that would make him bi.

Besides, I think he's married (not proof of not-gayhood, but I'm just sayin').

PS -- Who's the Purple Guy?
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:27 PM   #3393
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90210 reunion

Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
Ok, am I dreaming or was Janine Turner also on GH at that time, as a blonde?

(And this was after Luke/Laura but before Anna/Robert, correct? And whatever happened to Jackie Zemans, the former madam with the eye bulging problem?)
You're not dreaming - she was Laura Templeton the sister Demi Moore was looking for who resembled the recently missing Laura Spencer. A plot they have sadly reconstructed recently with some vapid blonde named Summer who has become a fascination for Luke now that the real Laura is in a looney bin.
Jackie Zemans had a bad face lift a few years back, seems to be relaxing now. The aforementioned Summer is also a "hooker with a heart of gold." Writers apparently grasping for new plot lines.

This would be the time I wished we had an anon feature.
Old 04-25-2003, 05:29 PM   #3394
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Originally posted by former gov't

This would be the time I wished we had an anon feature.
Me too. Especially since an image of Blackie playing his drums and saying he was going to be at the Bucket of Blood just popped into my head.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:29 PM   #3395
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Schadenfreudapalooza (pp: nice re line, btw)

Originally posted by dtb
Dean had sex with my [female] college roommate (many times), so if he's into dudes, I guess that would make him bi.

Besides, I think he's married (not proof of not-gayhood, but I'm just sayin').

PS -- Who's the Purple Guy?
A character in that move -- look on Called "Purple Guy" because he wore purple all the time.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:29 PM   #3396
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Toaster question

Originally posted by bilmore
A friend has it. I think it would be perfect for someone like you, a single, childless person who eats lots of TV dinners and is home infrequently.

Oh, wait, . . .

(Too small. Won't even fit a medium pizza. Cleaning is a pain.)
I know it's small; it's a toaster oven. If I have something big to cook, I have two regular ovens. Sometimes I just want to heat up some dino chicken nuggets without waiting for a big oven to heat up.
I don't care. I ain't no freakin' monument to justice.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:32 PM   #3397
purse junkie
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Now that's talent!

Originally posted by JoBu
Isn't that logic also pertinent for cock rings and pierced clitorises? (Not that you're post in anyway implies that piercing one's nether regions is something that you condone or admire).
No, it's not. Your SO can see those (if you want) without you having to simulate being choked to death to show it to them.

As a big accessories freak I wish everyone happiness and fulfillment in decorating their privates. Me, I find the idea of jabbing a hole through a sensitive area (or lasso-ing it I suppose, for the guys' accessories) unappealing.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:35 PM   #3398
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The "Rolex", w/ or w/o piercings

Originally posted by str8outavannuys
There's a hoary old move called "The Rolex." At a bar, ask a girl: Wanna see my Rolex? Then, unzip, pull out Mr. Johnson, hold your left wrist a couple of inches below the belt line, and wrap flaccid Johnson around the wrist (or for you less fortunate ones, around as much of the wrist as you can).

I imagine this would be very effective with some piercings. You could call them your stop-watch buttons?
So how was Puppetry of the Penis?
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:36 PM   #3399
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Now that's talent!

Originally posted by purse junkie
Me, I find the idea of jabbing a hole through a sensitive area (or lasso-ing it I suppose, for the guys' accessories) unappealing.
That was kind of my opinion on the whole matter as well.

And FWIW, there are piercings (as opposed to lasso-ing) for the male genitals as well.
Old 04-25-2003, 05:38 PM   #3400
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White Stripes

Originally posted by Norman Bates Label
The thing about The Donnas is that their style has changed quite a bit since the early teen days. Good, bad, or indifferent, it's a matter of taste. Their first album is total chick Ramones style. Nowdays, while the lyrics are still in the same vein, musically they seem much more attuned to Joan Jett post-Runaways, or maybe Poison-lite without the masturbatory solos....
The Donnas come from my neck of the woods, so I'll comment. The Donnas initially had some Svengali-like manager for the first (and maybe the second record). Their sound changed largely because Donna R. learned to play guitar. She's quite good in a lite-metal sort of way.

For those who want to understand the whole White Stripes thing, check out Conan tonight. The White Stripes have been the musical guest the entire week. (Though I don't think there's any danger that Meg will learn how to play drums anytime soon.)
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:41 PM   #3401
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90210 reunion

Originally posted by former gov't This would be the time I wished we had an anon feature.
Maybe some moderator type will jump in here but there is an anonymous posting login. The information about it was posted on one of the general information strings.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:42 PM   #3402
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Now that's talent!

Originally posted by JoBu
That was kind of my opinion on the whole matter as well.

And FWIW, there are piercings (as opposed to lasso-ing) for the male genitals as well.
Why don't you show us?

f(drop 'em)b
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:43 PM   #3403
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Toaster question

Originally posted by lawyer_princess
I know it's small; it's a toaster oven. If I have something big to cook, I have two regular ovens. Sometimes I just want to heat up some dino chicken nuggets without waiting for a big oven to heat up.
I was unclear. The friend who has it has three kids. Living in the McMansion, she also has the Mutiple-Ovens thingie. (She says it's the New Working Woman's substitute for Multiple Orgasms.) She finds that it is just . . . not the right size. It's too small to use for pizzas, or for the quantities of things that she would heat up for a snack for everybody, but bigger than she would choose for heating up something for her, or even her and hubby.

I guess the best explanation I can think of is, she has it, and usually just chooses not to use it. That has to count for something.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:43 PM   #3404
Anne Elk
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The "Rolex", w/ or w/o piercings

Originally posted by Anne Elk
So how was Puppetry of the Penis?
Adding a link in case you haven't heard about this theater experience. Once again, I don't want to offend, the review contains explicit photos.

No, I haven't seen it.
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Old 04-25-2003, 05:43 PM   #3405
Jack Manfred
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And on another topic

Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Sorry I'm posting so much today. I'm verbose....

Off the top of my head, here's how I rate the different versions of the Big 3 in terms of game-excitement.

Big Brother 3 (Lisa beats Jason)
Survivor 6 (yet to be determined)
Amazing Race 3 (Flo & Zack, the impossible victory)
Amazing Race 2 (Chris and Alex pass Will & whats-her-name in the final sprint)
Survivor 1 (Richard beats Kelly)
Survivor 5 (Brian beats Clay -- some potentially exciting moments once it reached the final 5, with Ted and Helen and Jan and whatnot, but ultimately a fizzle)
Survivor 4 (Vecepia beats who? Kathy came third and should have won, I remember that)
Big Brother 2 (Will beats Nicole through no real strategy other than being a bastard)
Survivor 2 (Tina beats Colby, ho hum)
Amazing Race 1 (Rob and Brennan easily beat the field)
Survivor 3 (Ethan and Lex and yawn)
Big Brother 1 (Eddie beats Josh & Curtis, as if there was any doubt)
If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that's where you're right. But - and I am only saying this because I care - there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.
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