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Old 05-28-2003, 12:25 PM   #7246
Anne Elk
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Billmore is right, dammit.

Unplug from the Matrix already and go out and get some fresh air.

not7y(I'm going hiking...after the baseball game of course)S
Excuse me for liking a little mindless television when I get back from playing soccer, working out at the gym or playing with the dog in the woods. Unless I'm out of commission due to an injury, or there are good sports on, if the sun is out the TV is not on and I'm not on the couch.

Hope you enjoy your ballgame and hike. I'm looking forward to a couple hours of basketball this evening. Maybe a trip to the driving range if the rain holds off.
All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that not going to last. - Proust
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:29 PM   #7247
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The NHL version of "Joltin Joe has left, and gone away."

soup sandwich
Because they regularly beat the Flyers, of course! And there are many, many Flyers fans that post here.
Double F the Flyers

F Bobby Clarke

F Lindros too

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Old 05-28-2003, 12:36 PM   #7248
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The NHL version of "Joltin Joe has left, and gone away."

Originally posted by Anne Elk
Why are the Devils hated so much?
A Not Unreasonable question, I suppose.

I will allow those with more hockey knowledge than I (gwnc, slave, BRC, thrasher fan, str8, and probably lots of others) to answer this on a meta level. (Hey! That semiotics degree paid off -- whoo-hooo!)

For me, I hate the Devils because (in no particular order) (1) Scott Stevens just bugs me; (2) they popularized the so-called "neutral zone trap" style of play when they won the Cup in 1995; (3) Puddy-from-Seinfeld-type behavior from Devils fans -- I have seen too many obnoxious drunken louts with black and red face paint wearing Scott Stevens sweaters at the local rink; (4) and Scott Stevens annoys me to no end.

Apropos of nothing, who's the ESPN chick they had doing on ice reports last night?
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:36 PM   #7249
purse junkie
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Originally posted by ABBAKiss
I don't really get this. How does someone else's hotness threaten your own? If and when this has ever happened to me, I just say, "Yeah, she *is* hot." And usually that is end of the story.
It doesn't, and I've got no objection to anyone having and using their eyes or making a simple comment. But I do think it unnecessary and perhaps unkind, in front of one's SO, to comment in an actually panting-and-moaning sort of way about another as RP described.

Just my .02.
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:37 PM   #7250
Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
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Originally posted by Anne Elk
On Trading Spaces the designers tend to be snobby and bullish. "I'm a designer, damn it! Why can't you see my vision?"
Exactly. If these people are looking for real-life clients after some of the "visions" they've done on that show, ignoring the client's wishes and forgetting that people actually have to live in that garish room after you're done with it goes over big with the paying clients.

I've seen it occasionally, including some on Monday (saw the awful wall of records and the safari hut bedroom... blech), and am convinced that of the designers I've seen Vern is the only one who actually cares what the homeowners think and puts ego aside to give the people something they will like and can live in. I'd hire the guy for my place in a second if I could afford him.
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:52 PM   #7251
Anne Elk
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The NHL version of "Joltin Joe has left, and gone away."

Originally posted by Not Bob
A Not Unreasonable question, I suppose.

For me, I hate the Devils because (in no particular order) (1) Scott Stevens just bugs me; (2) they popularized the so-called "neutral zone trap" style of play when they won the Cup in 1995; (3) Puddy-from-Seinfeld-type behavior from Devils fans -- I have seen too many obnoxious drunken louts with black and red face paint wearing Scott Stevens sweaters at the local rink; (4) and Scott Stevens annoys me to no end.
1) I like Scott Stevens. It's nice to see an old guy out there playing with the young bucks.
2) Are you referring the the "dump it in the corner" move? That seems silly to me.
3) Not being a Seinfeld fan (or even sometime watcher) I've never seen Puddy in his glory. At the playoff and Cup games I have been to at the Meadowlands, I didn't see many Puddy-types. Then again, I see too many of them up here in Bean-town with their Bud Lights and Patriots! regalia. Yes, wherever they are, they are obnoxious.
4) See #1.

I'm a hockey newbie. Like the game, but don't understand all the nuances. If someone can recommend a good hockey team to watch, I'll gladly check them out next season. I'm a bit more knowledgeable on basketball, and if anyone wants to talk about soccer...

In the meantime, Go Devils.
All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that not going to last. - Proust
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:58 PM   #7252
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Originally posted by Anne Elk
Excuse me for liking a little mindless television when I get back from playing soccer, working out at the gym or playing with the dog in the woods. Unless I'm out of commission due to an injury, or there are good sports on, if the sun is out the TV is not on and I'm not on the couch.

Hope you enjoy your ballgame and hike. I'm looking forward to a couple hours of basketball this evening. Maybe a trip to the driving range if the rain holds off.
Seriously, when did all of this "my life is so much more fulfilling than yours, you mindless troll" nonsense become acceptable?!

Not knowing more than a handful of you, I will still extrapolate and say that every single person on this board in far more interesting and complex than presented on a stupid internet forum.

These discussions are exactly like standing at a dull cocktail party filled with lawyers as each tries to "outcool" the others.

I have a newsflash for you all. No matter how cool you think you are, you are still lawyers, which is about as uncool a profession as exists. Our clients may be cool, but we are their lawyers. Great, we create their companies, write their contracts, advise them on deals, get them out of jail, keep them from paying monster settlements, and protect their assets. It's terribly exciting stuff, isn't it?

This is a place for free exchange of frivolous matters -- books, music, sports, tv, movies, sex, travel, etc. Attacking others for their choice of decompression is utterly ridiculous.

Remember, at the end of the day, you're really not as cool as you think you are.

Even(militantly uncool)Odds
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:04 PM   #7253
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but I know that a French-Canadian goalie and a guy named Niedermayer will win.

Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Your love and knowledge of the 1972 Sabres is equalled only by my law school roommate's love and knowledge of the 1981 Yankees, and my love and knowledge of the 1987 Blue Jays.

Congrats (I think).

str(I h8 Bill Madlock)8
Thanks. Of course, there ain't much else to do in that neck of the woods other than wax nostalgic about football and hockey teams that actually produced. Some of us can't let go -- kinda like that guy you run into in the bar when you visit your old hometown who sits and talks about that time he hit a homerun in high school because he hasn't done anything to talk about since then. I wouldn't say that I am as bad as that though -- I mean, my talk of glory is about other people who actually got fucking PAID to play sports. I live vicariously through others, it leads to less personal injury.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:07 PM   #7254
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but I know that a French-Canadian goalie and a guy named Niedermayer will win.

Originally posted by ThrashersFan
I live vicariously through others, it leads to less personal injury.
Now THAT is a board motto.
Some people say I need anger management. I say fuck them.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:07 PM   #7255
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Originally posted by taxwonk
I don't think she was asking you to generalize. She just wants to know how the Hubby is hung.

Tax(send streaming video to dc_chef@....)wonk

hmmm considering that all men, in my opinion, look like farm animals when viewed naked from the rear it probably wouldn't be fair to judge. BUT, I will anyway. Let's just say that there must be some reason that I married the poor uneducated slob. I suppose he is more like a horse than a goat. :yum:
When you say Budweiser you've said it all.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:07 PM   #7256
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Originally posted by Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
Exactly. If these people are looking for real-life clients after some of the "visions" they've done on that show, ignoring the client's wishes and forgetting that people actually have to live in that garish room after you're done with it goes over big with the paying clients.
Actually, Doug has apparently won awards & stuff. But I've read a few interviews with him, and it's all an act. For all of them. Hildi & Doug are the designated "mean-avant-guard wreck-your-kitchen" types, just as Frank is the designated "painted-pig country-kitchen" guy, which apparently isn't his style at all. They are all supposed to play up different designer "types" to keep things interesting. That redheaded chick did the "condescending as hell but does pretty well" schtick.

Regardless, I don't think I've seen more than one or two rooms that aren't clearly and unambiguously improvements on the original. Of course, given what most of the people start with ANYTHING would be an improvement. Even the "hay-wall" room looked better. The problems seem usually to be that the room just doesn't serve the utilitarian needs assigned to it by the homeowners (i.e.: Doug's turning a home office into a home theater). That and the occasional pathological loathing of orange.

Anyhow, my nightmare would be Frank, too. And after him, the border-woman.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:07 PM   #7257
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Remember, at the end of the day, you're really not as cool as you think you are.
Harumph. I am just as cool, if not cooler.

But more importantly, is PLF as pretty as he thinks he is?

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Old 05-28-2003, 01:08 PM   #7258
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Originally posted by evenodds
and decided to watch The Fast Runner (Atanarjuat), the Inuit folk tale movie. It's excellent, and I highly recommend it.

You should get the soundtrack. You will not be able to stop doing the throaty chants. Lots of fun. Can you believe most of them are not actors? So well done.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:12 PM   #7259
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Not knowing more than a handful of you, I will still extrapolate and say that every single person on this board in far more interesting and complex than presented on a stupid internet forum.

Remember, at the end of the day, you're really not as cool as you think you are.
I am more uncool than you because I haven't met a single poster in real life.

So there.

P.S. I really am less interesting in real life than I am here.

Last edited by robustpuppy; 05-28-2003 at 01:15 PM..
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:12 PM   #7260
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Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Of course, given what most of the people start with ANYTHING would be an improvement. Even the "hay-wall" room looked better. The problems seem usually to be that the room just doesn't serve the utilitarian needs assigned to it by the homeowners (i.e.: Doug's turning a home office into a home theater). That and the occasional pathological loathing of orange.
And, given that the owners are getting a crappy room redone for free by someone with some clue as to what they are doing, seems to me that it would be pretty worth the gamble that you won't think it's any better.
- Life is too short to wear cheap shoes.
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