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Old 12-05-2003, 12:26 AM   #4186
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Remember the woman who was trampled at Wal-Mart during the early-morning post-Thanksgiving opening?

Well, this was her seventeenth claim for injuries due to "falling", or "slipping", or "lifting", or the like. And her witness, her sister, was her witness in past incidents. Oh, and the woman has also been her sister's witness in the claims that sister has filed for similar incidents against businesses.
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Old 12-05-2003, 01:12 AM   #4187
Not Me
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Originally posted by bilmore
Remember the woman who was trampled at Wal-Mart during the early-morning post-Thanksgiving opening?

Well, this was her seventeenth claim for injuries due to "falling", or "slipping", or "lifting", or the like. And her witness, her sister, was her witness in past incidents. Oh, and the woman has also been her sister's witness in the claims that sister has filed for similar incidents against businesses.
Good one, but I think this one's got yours beat:

Really Old Wood
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Old 12-05-2003, 01:36 AM   #4188
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Originally posted by Not Me
Good one, but I think this one's got yours beat:

Really Old Wood
Well, they both represent organisms perfectly adapted for screwing others, so I think it's a tie.
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Old 12-05-2003, 03:05 AM   #4189
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Question Carnivāle - WTF

Did anyone else catch all the episodes, including the grand finale, of this disjointed, edgy, hide-the-ball good vs. moving target evil, freakfestival cum Carnivāle cum one cum all extravaganza?

Can someone explain the theme of this series to me? Like, is each character supposed to personify something? What's with all the cryptic dream or hallucinatory imagery?
















What's the deal with brother Justin, and if he killed a man, why in his flashback of it does it show him killing some dude who looked exactly like him? Was that just a Star Wars rip off? Why's it seem like there's some connection between him and Hawkins, but they never actually meet up and dialogue? What's the deal with Scudder? Is he dead, alive, Hawkins dad, or what? What's the deal with the invalid lady who talks to her daughter telepathically? One episode she walks, the rest of the time she immobile. Then Lodz is in her trailer and asks her how long she's known. Known what? And then later she traps Sophie and burns them both up? WTF?

Can one of you pensive literary types lay it out as if I were some ham and egg plaintiff attorney swingin from the trees?

Come and get my hot purple monkey love (Grape Ape!)

Last edited by Grape_Ape; 12-05-2003 at 03:28 AM..
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Old 12-05-2003, 03:51 AM   #4190
Shape Shifter
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A Fashion Board Moment

I write at this late hour because I have been at home sick the past couple of days and I am off my sleep schedule. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking, "How can this happen to Cool Daddy Shape? We love him!" All I can say is, thank you for your concern and I promise to take better care of myself in the future.

Which brings me to fashion. When not feeling well, I prefer comfortable loungewear sturdy enough to last the duration of my unwellness. On this occasion, I chose a pair of blue and green plaid flannel pajama pants, thick hiking socks, and a purple and orange tie-dye worn to an appropriate level of softness. My hair was carefully crafted into what can best be described as a Horizontal Fin, that is, a fin going more or less ear to ear rather than front to back.

I was sporting this look earlier this evening when I got a little stir crazy and decided to go across the street to shop for dvds (everything sucked and I didn't buy anything). For additional protection against the elements I added a pair of sandals and a bright yellow fleece to my ensemble.

As I was walking across the courtyard back to my apartment, a neighbor told me I look like "that guy from 'The Big Lebowski.'" I felt like I had arrived.
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
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Old 12-05-2003, 08:13 AM   #4191
I didn't do it.
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A Fashion Board Moment

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
As I was walking across the courtyard back to my apartment, a neighbor told me I look like "that guy from 'The Big Lebowski.'" I felt like I had arrived.
Congratulations on being home, messing up your sleep schedule, and dressing so fabulously.

I myself am awaiting the movers, who I am sure, will be thrilled to move me in a snow storm. I am not dressed as fabulously as you. My hair is a bit of a curly mess though. You see I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided rather late just to get the shower over with so I could take down my shower curtains. Well then I decided I could sleep while I was watching Magnolia on tv. My hair is very thankful for me laying down on the couch while it was still wet, and my neck is very happy as well. I am wearing jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and *gasp* sneakers.

I'm so ashamed.

I'd better give the movers even bigger tips, cause one look and they might drop my stuff and run.

I would like to thank Looking For Market for the single most useful piece of advice anyone has given me about my move. Leagl, he said, put the sex toys in a suitcase and move it yourself.

Thank you LfM, I know now that you care and will always be looking (oooh punny) out for me.

Here's a flash snowball fight game for those interested (has sound.)
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:33 AM   #4192
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New Rule

Originally posted by ThrashersFan
Merry Hanumas.
Actually restated Old Rule that is not followed. Re lines. Use them. They don't need to be annoyingly "clever". You don't need to make them punny. But use them. I hve to scroll past like eighty percent of the posts on this board to keep current and hold down my job. With no re line, I have to read the posts that I may not want to and this keeps me from catching up. If I cant catch up, I am more likely to lose interest in the board and leave the community bc I am always three days behind and may not want to wonk, and lets face it, the board is way more interesting if you are posting. and by you I mean me. And interesting to me.

the irony here is that leagl is the worst offendrix of the no re line and this is her show.

I have had a morning of umbrella assholes, subway delays, stepping in gigantic freezing puddles bc DC has the worst drainage system I have ever seen and really bad local news. I actually watched these two asssponges discuss a new guide to teenage slang and how it will help parents understand what their kids are saying. Two overly madup and blowdried thirty or forty somethings saying shizzle, aiii or some such other nonsense that should not be uttered by those over the age of 17. I cant take thse people anymore. fucking middle american pedestriana. with the fake laughs.

so please use re lines. aiiii?
Old 12-05-2003, 10:40 AM   #4193
soup sandwich
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Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Holy shit, seriously? That's pretty messed up.
It's true. Happened in your city, too (subway concourse near City Hall).
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:41 AM   #4194
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A Fashion Board Moment

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
I write at this late hour because I have been at home sick the past couple of days and I am off my sleep schedule. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking, "How can this happen to Cool Daddy Shape? We love him!" All I can say is, thank you for your concern and I promise to take better care of myself in the future.

Which brings me to fashion. When not feeling well, I prefer comfortable loungewear sturdy enough to last the duration of my unwellness. On this occasion, I chose a pair of blue and green plaid flannel pajama pants, thick hiking socks, and a purple and orange tie-dye worn to an appropriate level of softness. My hair was carefully crafted into what can best be described as a Horizontal Fin, that is, a fin going more or less ear to ear rather than front to back.

I was sporting this look earlier this evening when I got a little stir crazy and decided to go across the street to shop for dvds (everything sucked and I didn't buy anything). For additional protection against the elements I added a pair of sandals and a bright yellow fleece to my ensemble.

As I was walking across the courtyard back to my apartment, a neighbor told me I look like "that guy from 'The Big Lebowski.'" I felt like I had arrived.
You easily have the most irritating avatar I have ever seen. The moving avatar genre should be banned, but I am for freedom of expression. I avert my eyes from that stupid TSlo dino, but this is just unacceptable.

EDIT: this was to replly to grape ape, not shape
Old 12-05-2003, 10:51 AM   #4195
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Originally posted by paigowprincess
[same old rant, different day]
When you say Budweiser you've said it all.
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:52 AM   #4196
Anne Elk
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Fucking MOoovers

Originally posted by NotFromHere
They should have those bastards. For what they put me through. Breaking shit, stealing shit, bringing a truck that was already too full of other people's broken shit so they had to send another truck (while we waited and almost missed a flight), not sending enough crates for the heavy stuff and making us wait for that, and then showing up late on the other end so we didn't have any furniture or clothes the first day, oh and then misweighing our stuff so that the actual bill was far far more than the "estimate" (which I found out is a common scam even for the big guys like the ones we used.)

Yeah, and just try to complain. You get the hahahahaha, well don't use us next time then.
At least they didn't toss you in the truck with your belongings.

With all the schools in and around Boston, September 1st (and the weekends near it) are very busy moving days. The movers are hustling from job to job.

This past September, while unloading one young co-ed's belongings they attempted to hike the price by several hundred dollars. She refused to pay more than the amount in the contract, they locked her in the truck and threatened to drive off leaving her stuff on the street and her in the back of the truck. Someone called the cops. She was released from the back of the truck, the movers were arrested. No word on how her belongings made it up to the new apartment. Sorry, no cite.
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:54 AM   #4197
Puck You
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The NEW South (hi pp)

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)

Originally posted by ThrashersFan
I have three beers in the car on the way to the game

I love the South.
But don't forget, darling, that I have only been below the M-D Line for a few years. I developed this drinking in the car habit living in NY. Since moving south I have acquired a much more extensive, and fashionable, collection of bottle coozies though -- I promise to post pictures soon.
When you say Budweiser you've said it all.
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Old 12-05-2003, 11:00 AM   #4198
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The NEW South (hi pp)

Originally posted by ThrashersFan
. . . I have acquired a much more extensive, and fashionable, collection of bottle coozies though . . .
"Bottle coozies"?

I think that's what we used to call the women who you could always find at the bar, no matter when you stopped in.

(Edited to add, in an attempt to head off the inevitable PM: Well, that, or "Mom".)

Last edited by bilmore; 12-05-2003 at 11:04 AM..
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Old 12-05-2003, 11:00 AM   #4199
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Kiss My Ass

Originally posted by ThrashersFan

First let me preface my post by saying that I think it is terrific you have expanded your "coozie" collection. I note you replied to Cooter who I am afraid may get the wrong idea from your post though. perhaps you cshold clarify for him?

Second, I have only ranted on re lines but once. And apparently to no avail. I will feel better once people start using them. You did a good job here. That re line was catchy and sure not to have been scrolled by.

Third. the no re line culprit is generally the threadstarter,w hich was not you. I just happened to reply to your post. Random. leagl started the thread so it is she who should tell me to kiss her ass (but hopefully she will hear the constructive aspect of the criticism and that re lines build better boards). While you could have tossed in a re line to improve things, you certainly were not to blame.

but thanks for playing. and watch our for those darned roadblocks.
Old 12-05-2003, 11:05 AM   #4200
Colymbosathon ecplecticos
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Fuck Paigow

Made ya look.
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