Originally posted by Spanky
I am only a libertarian on moral issues.
I believe in a strong safety net. Of course people should be encouraged to get off the government dole, but the government has a responsiblity to take care of those people who can't take care of themselves.
I believe in a minimum wage.
I believe the government should spend gobs of money on education (as long as the teacher's Unions are not screwing them up) and infrastructure.
I could care less about guns either way. Except I don't think semiautomatic weapons should be legal.
I support a large standing army because I am a NeoCon.
The only other way I am a libertarian is I don't like government intereference in the economy unless it is to protect the health and safety of workers or consumers or to protect the environment.
But otherwise the government should not second guess markets, so no tariffs, quotas, NTBs or subsidies.
I believe we should have open borders exept I think we should screen everyone that comes in. But if you aren't some sort of criminal or are not on a terrorist watch list, or French come on in.
The funny* part of ongoing debates is that I agree with pretty much all of this (except the neocon part, of course).
*that is funny strange, not funny ha ha.