Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Yes, indeed, John Edwards is quite the Horatio Alger story. I could see our Founding Fathers shedding tears at his glorious work.
Did I say that? No. But you underestimate his achievments.
There is a tendency among corporate law types (a group that includes me) to pooh-pooh successful plaintiffs' lawyers. You've done this -- oh, just give me a case like that and I'd be rich too.
And it's bullshit. Sure, there is a lot of luck involved in that success -- but there's a lot of luck involved in any success (how many lawyers do you know scored a good client because in-house counsel attended their country club, knew their father, or knew someone who knew them through some random connection?)
And, as in any success, there is a lot of work and skill involved, too. Edwards scared the shit out of the defense bar when he was practicing. You don't get that rep by being lucky, or dumb, or lazy, or just having shit handed to you.
It reminds me of friends from college who were "serious" artists. They "chose" to be struggling to write fiction that appeared in a journal that seven people read, or to make films (never movies) that appeared in a festival attended by the same seven people. They could easily sit down and write a best-seller like Stephen King, or make a hit action movie. Again, bullshit.
I have no idea if Edwards was born rich or not. But he appears to have been very successful at what he did. Unlike, say, Bush. But what amuses me is the way Slave and other Rs get all incensed any time a Democrat makes money. The Rs just can't figure out whether we're all supposed to be limousine liberals or welfare queens, but either alternative fuels The Righteous Outrage.