Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
And that makes your self-delusion that either party holds anything close to the solution what exactly?
I'm at least willing to bet it all on the marketplace. I'd go with Uncle Milty all the way if I could. I actually believe people, if allowed to bahave as they would in a true marketplace, would do some remarkable things.
What do you believe? What's your solution? Barack's platitudes? Sheehan's aimless melodramatic posturing? Hill's universal health care?
Why don't you do three things. First, tell me what you'd do to fix things. Then, tell me which of the candidates would do what you want. Third, tell me - rationally - why I ought to buy into any ideology or candidate currently offered.
You get to see what I believe here whenever I show up. You are welcome to your 80s nihilism - it's certainly not as lunatic as the Hank/Penske ideological conservativism and much of the cynicism is healthy and well-deserved by the targets. The combination of the screw them all attitude with faith in the free market is a bit puzzling.
But it's still 80s nihilism.