Originally posted by sgtclub
Don't you think that free birthcontrol (e.g., via planned parenthood) and sex education is far more prevalent in the big cities?
Look, I'm not looking at this in a vacuum. I went to public school in LA and both were as prevalent as silicon down there. It simply didn't matter. What I think you are implicitly saying on the federal funding side and the education is that poor, uneducated people have more abortions, which is absolutely untrue. My guess is that the rate for middle class educated women is at least as high if not higher.
As I said before, this is a question of needing to instill more responsibility, not birth control or education. And that starts at home.
Yeh, well that ain't gonna happen. And asking for an idealistic fix like that is causing god knows how many unintended and unwanted pregnancies and STDs. Yours is a wonderful notion, but we don't live in an ideal world.
And you can't say with a straight face that giving free birth control to people and REALLY educating kids about sex wouldn't preclude many unwanted pregnancies. Why? Because we've never tried it! We;ve never honestly discussed sex with kids because every time we try, some douchebag politician from 1000 miles away with a constituancy of inbred bible thumpers throws a hissy fit and scuttles the legislation.
Teaching abstinence is great, but only teaching abstinence is criminally negligent.