Originally posted by mmm3587
I've got another question about this. Can a reasonably-proficient but untrained person just perform a ceaserian section, even if it results in the mother dying, and pull the baby out? I don't think that's the kind of thing I would try. When they were saying that they thought the baby could have survived, I thought for sure they would find it dead. But it turns out that the baby is just like a regular newborn? What the fuck? If you're not worried about the health of the mother, is a ceaserian section is simple as cutting open a watermelon without cutting too deep? This whole story is fucking bizarre. No wonder they all voted for Bush.
When you're actually having a substantive discussion, grammar flames are so fucking lame. Was it you that pointed out I had a subject/verb error with "none"? Why don't you address what I'm actually saying instead of creating all these strawmen and impugning my proofreading?