Originally posted by paigowprincess
Thank you. While I am not sure I believe a word of what you are saying, I do believe that encouraging nondrivel is the only way to save this board from a rehash of reading about proms and shit. Though I did enjoy SD post to BnB about the Brazenette's likely prom scenario. Only he can truly do justic to the mundacities of the drivel we see far too much of here.
Oh, and Hairless Consig is Slave. It is because he doesn't allow body hair to thrive on his body and bc he used to refer to himself as the Consiglierie above his avatar in some kind of bow to his own megalomaniacalness. I apologize for the possible confusion. I should never reference a metaphor with a slam. Defeats the purpose.
This post I understand. If the prior drivel was intended to encourage non-drivel, I salute you for starting this dialogue.
I figured out that HC was Slave and I figured out why you referred to him as that. Keep in mind that no matter what the two of you may say to each other publicly, the fact of the matter is that y'all fucked each other. None of us were involved (at least I wasn't involved, I can't vouch for Less) . No matter how many hours you guys put in with the loofah and sand, he probably has disco mitt stuck somewhere on his skin and you likely have scotch sweat embedded in your pores.
With that, I bid you a happy chinese food and movie this weekend.