Originally posted by Say_hello_for_me
Not meant to be rhetorical:
What international law is violated by kidnapping or killing a stateless person in a lawless land where he is tolerated while he plots war upon the state that kills him?
Just a gut feeling, but I'm with Gore on the topic, if he really said it. Partly because I think a 5 year old could argue his way out of the courts that even try to enforce any such law, if it exists. Personally, if any such court ever tries, convicts, attempts to punish etc. any, and I mean any (i.e., including any Democrat or whatever), American official for undertaking such a course of conduct, I'll be in favor of declaring war on the court.
(1) You and me both in agreeing with Gore.
(2) Lloyd Cutler was the White House counsel, so you can see how his job was to tell them what the law was and all.
(3) Who said it was a stateless person?
(4) Who said it was a lawless land?
(5) We have extradition treaties, etc.
(6) If some Mounties (e.g.) showed up in Winnetka to kidnap someone wanted in Manitoba, people'ld be p.o.'d.