Originally posted by Say_hello_for_me
Are you voting for a guy who you think is to the left of Ralph Nader?
What do you think he means by "internationalizing"? If it doesn't mean getting others to provide resources, it only means giving control of our's over to others.
Could you give a 1 sentence answer that describes what you think Kerry means by "internationalizing"?
I've never heard Kerry use the word, so I'm guessing, but there is a lot of room between telling the UN it's our way or the highway, and letting them take control. For the fifty years before W. took office, our foreign policy emphasized working through international institutions and with our allies. This means trying to build consensus where possible, recognizing that adoping a policy in the short term that might not be our first choice redounds to our benefit in the long term. See, e.g.,
this piece by Joe Nye about "soft power."