Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
lat night I attended an open house at my kid's school. the Philosphy class went ahead as if it was just another class.
The topic was "Should evolution AND Creationism be taught in Biology Class." The fellow traveler my liberal district has empowered to attempt and brainwash my children, told us of Schools, as she put it, "in - well I'm sure you can guess in which states where they don't teach evolution at all, but only teach Creationism." Now i didn't call bullshit, but I don't think that true is it?
Anyway her impartial prompts kept coming back to be asking the one religous kid in the class "doesn't it violate separation of Church/ state to teach creationism?"
So i finally ask her "What was the purpose of the separation, and in partiucular in schools?" She says we don't want to force a religion on people and if we teach Jesus to a class that is 90% Christian it's not fair to the other 10%." So then i had her-
"But how is that different than teaching evolution to a class that includes this young man who doesn't want to hear it?"
Ole' Stalin had no answer.
I sense that the Little Chinaskis will learn to use this devastating line of argument to shame literature professors into abandoning Faulkner as well, or at least to agree to the use of stickers proclaiming that
As I Lay Dying is only a theory.