Originally posted by Captain
What do you do with the cream cheese?
This is a "layered" salad. First you make one package of jello and put the mandarin oranges in it and then put it in the ring mold (Tupperware, of course!). Then you chill that until it is at least sort of firm. Then you make the other package of jello and whisk the cream cheese into microscopic pieces in the jello and pour that into the mold. So when you unmold it, the bottom layer is opaque and the top layer is clear with fruit. Very Minnesotan.
At least it isn't the dreaded orange jello** with grated carrots or the even more dreaded lime jello with grated celery. My aunt Carole sprang the latter one on us when my next younger brother and I were too young to know of such treachery and assumed it was crushed pineapple.
I hear tell that some Minnesota MOT mothers sneak even nastier surprises in their jello -- shredded gefilte fish. Oh the horror!
**(I suspect the Midwest, or even Minnesota specifically has a higher per capita consumption of jello than the rest of the country.)