Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Welcome long time lurker, infrequent poster with the ironic moniker!
Damn, Flower, just when I thought that I understood how to use that word correctly, you throw this curveball. Fuck it, I give up.
Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
It's all nicey-nice this and friendly-friend that.
When you say "nicey-nice" in that sneeringly dismissive tone, it hurts my feelings. It makes me think that you don't value my contributions to
the ebb and flow of board discussion.
But I will try to take
the lemon of your disdain and turn it into
the lemonade of self-improvement. I will work on becoming more than simply a mere voice of seemingly reasonable vapidity. I will strive to post more than just my usual tiresomely faux avuncular middlebrow nonsense.
Thank you, Flower.