I remember where I was when I found out Reagan had been shot (riding in a car over Independence Pass on my way to Denver), when the Challenger exploded (TV lounge of the 3rd floor of Sadler Hall, where I was an RA), where I was when PanAm 103 blew up (wrapping Xmas presents for my co-workers), when the Berlin Wall came down (livingt room of 2809 Vista Drive, Manhattan Beach, CA) and where I was when the LA Riots started (1010 E. Union Street, Pasadena, CA, at work).
I do not recall where I was when Paris Hilton went to jail. Either time.
Where were you when:
Gunderson raised?
Cornhole was named "top" lawyer?
Less declared "Don't save
the date"?
Chef got busted?
Infirm cheated everyone?
Some gay guy slept with 3 hotties?
PM became TS, to become ether?
Some GA nearly murdered another GA over another GA with another GA...with Legos.