Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
I forget, was it Abba or gwink that stuck her hand down her commando date's pants? I'm thinking Abba. Wouldn't that be a lot quicker than checking for all those signs?
Speaking of which, here is a quick summary/dialogue of my "date" last night.
[I meet him at his place after hauling my cookies to fucking Jersey and having some unidentified but gross Jersey bug crawl over my foot when I'm walking to his apt -- a short walk, so it wasn't all bad. We start talking. Talking, talking and more talking. More talking. Endless talking.]
Him: I guess you didn't come all
the way here just to talk.
Me: No.
Him: I thought you might want to talk first.
Me: Why would I want to do that?
Him: Um, you might want to rethink your approach. You are kind of making me feel cheap.
Me: (to myself) Mother. Fucker. just fuck me already.
[We have sex. It's pretty good, but not as good as
the last time. I leave. Jeez. I go all
the way to Jersey for sex and I get accused of making someone feel cheap. wtf]