Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
It is what it is.
For those of you who use Pandora, what stations do you have set up? Which ones work well, which ones don't?
Okay. I have posted extensively (about everything really) about Pandora. By "work" I presume you mean show you music you will like but hadn't heard about.
I have set up 3 that played out for awhile. I have only done bands- not songs*
Alkaline Trio, The Jam
and Gang of Four.
GofF has such an unusual sound that the "station" really didn't give me anything close. it was more things that you might call "noisy" but not in the same way. they remain too unique for the Pandora thing to work.
The A3 station actually was good. They have their own sound but its not as out there as Go4. It showed me a few bands i liked,
and that I had never even heard of. Eventually it did get repetitive. It seems like it is always trying to stretch the envelope
and offer new stuff. Eventually the "new stuff" seems like it is just wild guesses- that is it has a shelf life.
The Jam worked best. tehy are old enough to have influenced other bands, i suppose. i believe the Jam radio is the one that picked a "new song" that included the lyrics "I like butt fucking guys how about you?" that came on loud in my office while I was away from the computer- but that is now just a humorous memory so it is cool.
In sum, it works best with older stuff to see newer things that grew from the old stuff. It works better for things that are closer to mainstream .That is, Melt Banana radio probably won't get you far.
*My son did some stations based upon hip hop SONGS he likes. I know he found some guys he really likes that he hadn't heard of before. in fact he was probably listening to them at ref school Saturday.