Originally posted by ThrashersFan
But has anyone ever produced any evidence that he did in fact tamper with the team in that manner? I recall players from that time stating in interviews that they did not believe that was the case (no cites, just memory). I know what he did was wrong but he was such a moron that he didn't use his position to impact his bets --
Anyway, give me a break -- I was caught off guard with his whole "I admit I bet on baseball" book thingy and now I have to come up with an argument besides "Pete says he didn't do it and I believe him." Give me time.
Maybe if Pete had been upfront and honest he wouldn't be in this mess now. In fact maybe this mess is far bigger just becuase he chose to lie about it and now no one trusts anything he says.
Not sure I have a point here. But I am nothing if not subtle.