Originally posted by Spanky
I post this story to a chat room full of attorneys - and what legal advice to I get - a bunch of smart aleck comments. What can these county animal control people do to me?
Not sure, but the Humane Society says that you should not entice the deer.
Deer are involved in a substantial number of accidents with vehicles every year; some recent estimates range as high as a million deer deaths nationwide. Certainly, expanding human populations, congested roadways, driving habits and the abuse of alcohol by some are contributing factors to the mortality rate.
Many tools can be employed to address this issue, including public education. Public announcements and radio spots during fall months can be used to alert drivers to increased deer activity, common with the seasonal onset of rut. Deer warning signs at least alert the attentive driver to look for these animals on stretches of road where they might not be expected.
Where particularly troublesome stretches of road occur (usually roadways that permit travel at high speeds through parks or wooded areas), high deer mortality and, presumably, high risk to drivers can occur. Often, little effort is made by authorities to identify and monitor such "hot spots," but they usually acquire local reputations.
Both highway and wildlife administrations can work with such stretches of road to try to reduce accidents. Potential approaches include lowering speed limits, removing vegetation from road edges so that both driver and deer have better visibility, erecting woven wire fences to prevent or reroute deer crossings or using an "optical" fence as described below.
Sorry Flinty, I skated your client.