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Old 06-19-2006, 10:20 PM   #1306
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Next invasion

I think it is time to tell Cuba that either it has free elections or we invade. That should get Hugo Chavez to shut up for a while.
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Old 06-19-2006, 10:23 PM   #1307
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Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Give it time, my man. People are shit scared of a tax increase, and that's the Dems' stereotypical response to everything.

He who raises taxes next spends a decade in the political desert.
It looks as the the immigration issues may save the GOP. George Will summed it up very well in his recent column:

"Many Republicans, looking for any silver lining in an abundance of dark clouds, think the immigration issue might be a silver bullet that will slay their current vulnerability. The issue is, as political people say, a "two-fer." Opposition to the Senate bill, and support for the House bill, puts Republican candidates where much of the country and most of their party's base currently is — approximately: "Fix the border; then maybe we can talk about other things." And opposition to the Senate bill distances them from a president who, although rebounding recently, has approval ratings below 40 percent in 29 states."

Nothing like a wedge issue to change ones political fortunes.
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Old 06-19-2006, 10:26 PM   #1308
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When is Israel going to get of its derrier and start taking out Iranian nuclear installations? I think they should hit the presidential palace also. That guys shouldn't be able to deny the holocaust and then hang out with other world leaders. I think he needs a lesson in diplomacy and history.
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Old 06-19-2006, 11:16 PM   #1309
fair and balanced
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Originally posted by Spanky
When is Israel going to get of its derrier and start taking out Iranian nuclear installations? I think they should hit the presidential palace also. That guys shouldn't be able to deny the holocaust and then hang out with other world leaders. I think he needs a lesson in diplomacy and history.
right on! Too bad the dems and their military heroes like General Jack-off Murtha and Reportin' for Duty Johnboy Kerry are poised to teach the Islamists a good hard lesson in appeasement......

Last edited by fair and balanced; 06-19-2006 at 11:20 PM..
Old 06-20-2006, 12:57 AM   #1310
Pretty Little Flower
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Originally posted by Spanky
It looks as the the immigration issues may save the GOP. George Will summed it up very well in his recent column:

"Many Republicans, looking for any silver lining in an abundance of dark clouds, think the immigration issue might be a silver bullet that will slay their current vulnerability. The issue is, as political people say, a "two-fer." Opposition to the Senate bill, and support for the House bill, puts Republican candidates where much of the country and most of their party's base currently is — approximately: "Fix the border; then maybe we can talk about other things." And opposition to the Senate bill distances them from a president who, although rebounding recently, has approval ratings below 40 percent in 29 states."

Nothing like a wedge issue to change ones political fortunes.
Not a big fan of the browns, eh?

I'm with you. But I would not admit it in some sort of public forum.
Inside every man lives the seed of a flower.
If he looks within he finds beauty and power.

I am not sorry.
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Old 06-20-2006, 01:12 AM   #1311
Wank McBumsky
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Not a big fan of the browns, eh?

I'm with you. But I would not admit it in some sort of public forum.
P, i know ytour a newber here and we need the hits since Ty stoppd being a mod, bu t you should know, spanks not much the american football fan/ a little fageleh as my fathrin-law wuold say. Arnold is entertainment thoiugh, so it helps carreerwise.
likkered up!
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Old 06-20-2006, 10:54 AM   #1312
Not Bob's Id
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Originally posted by PlainJane
[to Not Bob] you're not so bad yourself
Well, how YOU doin'?

edited by Not Bob's Ego: Great. This always seems to happen when Not Bob's Super-Ego is on vacation. Guess I'll have to deal with it alone, as usual.
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Old 06-20-2006, 11:03 AM   #1313
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Keep the Ad running

Originally posted by Spanky
I figured some of you (especially SHP, Beaker, Sidd and Tyrone) would want to donate to keep this ad running.
Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed the advertisement, and I agree with just about every word in it.

I hesitate to go to the website or donate, though, because I have this horrible feeling that the ad is designed to help Republicans. Call me crazy, but . . .

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Old 06-20-2006, 11:11 AM   #1314
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Originally posted by Spanky
It looks as the the immigration issues may save the GOP. George Will summed it up very well in his recent column:

* * *

Nothing like a wedge issue to change ones political fortunes.
Did you catch the end of that column, where Will speculates that the GOP position on immigration _may_ cost them more in the long run, especially out West, as they battle the relentless demographic tide? But, as he said, right now everyone is thinking on a four month time frame -- the next election.

The security angle might give this a different dynamic, but I'm seeing the possibility of a Pete Wilson-style self-foot-shooting by the GOP.


P.S. What the GOP _really_ needs to do to win this thing is to introduce a bill to explicitly bar all gay, "married", flag-burning, illegal immigrants who have had abortions from receiving any federal benefits.

The level of manipulation and cynicism in our politics has played a huge role in turning me off and keeping me out of it.
"Courage is the price that life extracts for granting peace."

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Old 06-20-2006, 11:14 AM   #1315
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Originally posted by Spanky
When is Israel going to get of its derrier and start taking out Iranian nuclear installations? I think they should hit the presidential palace also.
Having learned the lesson of Osirak, they've spread them out way too much for any single strike or multiple simultaneous strike to have a reliable chance of inflicting enough damage.

That said, if they do so, it won't be for a while. We are still negotiating, and don't want Israel to attack yet.

"Courage is the price that life extracts for granting peace."

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Old 06-20-2006, 11:25 AM   #1316
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Originally posted by Spanky
Ever looked at the cartoons? Half the time the cover is some sort of Joke. The Economist takes itself much less seriously than either Time or Newsweek yet it deliveres much less B.S.
It also seems to have exactly 5 bits of news/points to make per magazine, which is makes over and over again in about 25 "different" article.

Which is not to say that it isn't a good, well-reasoned publication.
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Old 06-20-2006, 01:53 PM   #1317
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Best thing about video cameras being so cheap is that you get these kinds of videos. Mean brother videos little brother singing to Gnarls Barkley and dancing with gigantic stuffed dog. Amazing that the kid doesn't see his brother or that brother didn't crack up laughing to give himself away. Until the end. The end is worth waiting for. When he finally puts the dog down and goes all chunk dance crazy.

Video of the day.
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 06-20-2006, 02:54 PM   #1318
Wank McBumsky
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Unhappy MOD ALERT-TY!?!

Originally posted by NotFromHere
Best thing about video cameras being so cheap is that you get these kinds of videos. Mean brother videos little brother singing to Gnarls Barkley and dancing with gigantic stuffed dog. Amazing that the kid doesn't see his brother or that brother didn't crack up laughing to give himself away. Until the end. The end is worth waiting for. When he finally puts the dog down and goes all chunk dance crazy.

Video of the day.
nfh, it may be ockay for you t0 ruin the fashionboard wuth your inanities, and we tolerate Ty and Woink posting discreddited democrat party line and blogs here as they are an ideology bookend to the common sense of spank and myself, but this post has no place here. Can you stick to boards were you are at least are not an irredeemabl;e materail distraction or RT or Ty will be forced to edit your work. for example your poists on fasion are like cat crap in a horse stable, while here they are like horse crap in an operating room.

Remember this is a specialty board, so on topics counts.
likkered up!
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Old 06-20-2006, 03:20 PM   #1319
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Originally posted by Not Bob's Id to PlainJane

Well, how YOU doin'?

edited by Not Bob's Ego: Great. This always seems to happen when Not Bob's Super-Ego is on vacation. Guess I'll have to deal with it alone, as usual.

Well, you’ll be taking all 3 of them to unpathed waters, undreamed shores, if we keep the private messaging up

Last edited by PlainJane; 06-20-2006 at 03:25 PM..
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Old 06-20-2006, 04:06 PM   #1320
fair and balanced
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2 more victems of Islamofacism, RIP

So radical Islam is responsible for the brutal war crime deaths of two more Americans (not unlike the 3000 who were illegally made combatants on 9-11)

To the liberal defenders of the sons and daughters of Mohammed's evil war on the West I ask, where was these brave soldiers' POW status? To the many vocal Guantanamo critics here, where were these mens' human rights? Of course this doesnt' rise to the level of a bra on the head or having Lindy Fuglyface fondlise your genitalias but brutally murdering these POWs certainly warrants some registered complaint against the left's friends in honourable opposition? A red flag from the Ref perhaps? A Marquis of Queensberry citation?

Anyone who jumped the gun without the evidence to indict the US of A on the Haditha canards want to weigh in? Does Babs Boxer post here?!?

Comrade Murtha, any comment now?

Certainly there must be a leftie willing to raise a voice against these foul acts.....of course, perhaps it is just the Bush administrations fault.....

Notwithstanding that the two soldiers were tortured and beheaded by Islamofacists. Bush is to blame. surely.

Amnesty International, any comment?

Where is the outrage from the intellectual salons of the Euro-socialists?

[sigh] It is sad that so many who live under the benefits of our freedom hate America so......

For the patriots of this great nation, I hope the US command sends in 10,000 American troops into every town within a 20 mile radii of where the bodies where found and eliminate every person in sight. If brute violence is all they understand then violence it is. No prisoners, no mercy!

Let Murtha and Kerry suck that lemon!
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