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Old 12-15-2006, 05:06 PM   #4801
J. Fred Muggs
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Originally posted by notcasesensitive
I think she does a good job keeping her role here separate from her personal blog. And I don't think she has any duty not to post about things that bother her here there. I understand that it hurt your feelings, but RT did nothing inappropriate.
anyway, her sex blog is so much better than her regular blog, nobody should bother with the regular blog.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:08 PM   #4802
Pretty Little Flower
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Originally posted by J. Fred Muggs
anyway, her sex blog is so much better than her regular blog, nobody should bother with the regular blog.
Maybe I'm on that blog!
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I am not sorry.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:10 PM   #4803
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
I really think it is a grey area as to whether it was appropriate or not. I really don't care one way or the other---now I know what she is really like, I can accept that, and move on.

Some trust has been violated here. I know I wasn't her best friend but I really didn't deserve the vitriol that was aimed at me. Again, I can accept that that is how she rolls and move forward.
It's not even close to gray and wasn't particularly vitriolic IMO. And if you weren't the one person in the world more thin skinned than me, you wouldn't be making such a BFD about it.

I suspect she's had to field a lot of off-board complaints about you and that has to be annoying as hell. But she hasn't taken it out on you here. So why shouldn't she be able to vent her frustrations on her very own blog that you don't need to be reading anyway?

Besides, she didn't identify you by "name" or even name this board so the only people who'd be likely to connect the dots are people from Lawtalkers.

When you discovered this blog entry, you had two choices.

1. You could have acknowledged that you are most often your own worst enemy in terms of how people view you. Either not let anyone know you'd seen the blog or maybe PM the author about it and how it made you feel. And then vowed to continue improving your board behavior.


2. You could have become all hyper-sensitive and gone on the attack. Tell everyone about the blog entry. Boo hoo. It's so unfair. Yada yada. And by doing so, reinforce what she said.

Sadly you made the wrong choice.

NotBob -- she's your friend and has never listened to good advice from anyone else. Talk to her.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:10 PM   #4804
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
That's okay. I recently stumbled on someone's IRL blog/journal of which a page was "devoted" to venting about me, highlights which included that I was deemed a "moron" by the author amongst other lovely terms, that Flinty "would laugh if I he heard I died tomorrow" that TM Diva "hates me with the fire of 1000 suns" [wtf? I've never ever interacted even with her] that bnb "wonder why she is the target of my (I can't even remember, attacks? something] and that gwinc hopes, based on her mom's advice that if she ignores me I'll go away. page is taken down or disabled now, but good times.
Look at that. And I wasn't even involved. I'm sure you'll think the problem lies with all of them and not with you, though. Fucking brick.

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Old 12-15-2006, 05:12 PM   #4805
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Originally posted by J. Fred Muggs
Hey Yoda,

Just so I get the parameters right--I'm insignificant, so I can still talk about your annoying ass when I talk to Flinty at lunch, right? He's also insignficant, so he can respond.

Let me know if I've missed anything.
If it's any comfort, I'd also laugh if I heard you died tomorrow. Then I'd go over to your house and comfort your wife and kids. Maybe put on a puppet show or something.
I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:13 PM   #4806
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
Not sure. But it really destroyed any shreds of respect I last held for you.
This is funny, since (i) everyone on this board respects Rt and no one on this board respects you and (ii) if she had been venting about what an ass I am, you would have told her how much your respect for her would have increased. You are a fool.

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Old 12-15-2006, 05:13 PM   #4807
Cletus Miller
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
Why Cletus? Why should I? The things I am being accused of, posting incessantly, being judgemental, being mean, etc. etc. other posters do all the time. And some of them get called on it too. And some are much fucking meaner that I am. I've posted less, I've attacked less, and I have every right to stay. I don't argue incessantly like some posters quoting long assed posts that go on for scrolling eons.
Because you are the only poster I ever considered putting on ignore (and then I followed through)?

Because you (constantly) piss off the people who I think make this an entertaining place?

Because your need for attention--any attention--is so overpowering?

Because you're wackadoo?

Because you filter your thoughts so little that I would be embarrassed if my 3 year old son ran his mouth off like you do around here?

Because you actually went to be evaluated on your appearance like some insecure 14-year-old? And didn't recognize that that was destined to end badly for you? And then blamed TM for your complete lack of judgment?

Would you, in your (real) life, hang around a bunch of people who told you, repeatedly, that they found you annoying, stupid, etc. just to be around a couple people you like? You would choose to spend your time with people who dislike you? If so, do you realize that you got out of junior high about 20 years ago?

Why, pp, why?
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:15 PM   #4808
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Originally posted by Cletus Miller
Because you are the only poster I ever considered putting on ignore (and then I followed through)?

Because you (constantly) piss off the people who I think make this an entertaining place?

Because your need for attention--any attention--is so overpowering?

Because you're wackadoo?

Because you filter your thoughts so little that I would be embarrassed if my 3 year old son ran his mouth off like you do around here?

Because you actually went to be evaluated on your appearance like some insecure 14-year-old? And didn't recognize that that was destined to end badly for you? And then blamed TM for your complete lack of judgment?

Would you, in your (real) life, hang around a bunch of people who told you, repeatedly, that they found you annoying, stupid, etc. just to be around a couple people you like? You would choose to spend your time with people who dislike you? If so, do you realize that you got out of junior high about 20 years ago?

Why, pp, why?
I am totally unclear on whom (besides obviously NotBob) she likes.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:16 PM   #4809
Pretty Little Flower
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Originally posted by Flinty_McFlint
If it's any comfort, I'd also laugh if I heard you died tomorrow. Then I'd go over to your house and comfort your wife and kids. Maybe put on a puppet show or something.
That's a good idea. Nothing distracts like a puppet show.
Inside every man lives the seed of a flower.
If he looks within he finds beauty and power.

I am not sorry.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:16 PM   #4810
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Originally posted by Cletus Miller
Because you are the only poster I ever considered putting on ignore (and then I followed through)?

Because you (constantly) piss off the people who I think make this an entertaining place?

Because your need for attention--any attention--is so overpowering?

Because you're wackadoo?

Because you filter your thoughts so little that I would be embarrassed if my 3 year old son ran his mouth off like you do around here?

Because you actually went to be evaluated on your appearance like some insecure 14-year-old? And didn't recognize that that was destined to end badly for you? And then blamed TM for your complete lack of judgment?

Would you, in your (real) life, hang around a bunch of people who told you, repeatedly, that they found you annoying, stupid, etc. just to be around a couple people you like? You would choose to spend your time with people who dislike you? If so, do you realize that you got out of junior high about 20 years ago?

Why, pp, why?
The whole thing was so jr. high school. you have that right, indeed.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:17 PM   #4811
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Simple solution

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Old 12-15-2006, 05:23 PM   #4812
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
No, because you have a duty as the "head of the board" or person who runs the board to be impartial and mature about it.

You may not like all the posters on a personal level, etc. but I think it is fair to say that you should distance yourself a bit from it. It made you look petty, actually which I am sure was not the goal. why did you take it down?

I think you owe me an apology, actually.
You are out of your fucking mind. She owes you nothing.

She has been nothing but mature in dealing with your stupid, annoying, petty, idiotic ass. You are a pain in the board and no one wants you here. You are no better than a troll. Yet, she has resisted the urge to outright delete you because she is mature and takes her responsibility here very seriously.

Just because you stumbled onto another site where she reveals her true feelings about you does not mean she is acting irresponsibly. Just like everyone else has talked about how stupid you are offline, she has the right to have her own opinion, as long as she treats you, administratively speaking, the same as everyone else.

So if you can't get along with RT (and you're the only person in the history of the board who can't, aside from maybe paigow), then fucking leave. There is no one left for you here besides NotBob and you can send him 30,000 emails a day. I'm sure he'd love it.

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Old 12-15-2006, 05:24 PM   #4813
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
Personal feelings, fine. But to "publish" them off board when the person is not there to defend themselves and turn it into a "comment fest" stoning is not cool. Especially when you essentially run the board. A higher standard is held to you.
If you don't know, let me be the first to tell you. This happens to you whenever you leave the room, no matter where you are.

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Old 12-15-2006, 05:30 PM   #4814
Cletus Miller
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Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
I am totally unclear on whom (besides obviously NotBob) she likes.
She can't divulge--they've all made her agree to non-disclosure for fear that it will damage their reputation if it becomes known that she likes them.
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Old 12-15-2006, 05:31 PM   #4815
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Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
If you don't know, let me be the first to tell you. This happens to you whenever you leave the room, no matter where you are.

Oh come on, you're just hurt since you were left out and you couldn't gleefully sharpen your claws and dig in...

Come on now, can't you do something fun and new like set the lyrics to a song to a FB parody or something, now there is something that has never been done on the old board or new.
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