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Old 08-18-2004, 04:01 PM   #4396
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Originally posted by Ben Lurkin

Not really being an active poster I don't know if I have any standing but a general observation from this lurker is that it seems like that there are a few posters who time and again engage each other and it turns into a flame fest. You know who you are. Why don't you ignore each other or if the management is so concerned why not create a board for flame fests where posters who like that crap can be redirected? From my observations this seems like a generally cool community, especially considering what douchebags most attorneys are and I'm betting that most people here don't care to read the constant carping between the same couple of principles.
Fuck you, dickwad.
I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:04 PM   #4397
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I was going to post Halle's awful current In Style cover shot, which arrived at my house this week and require some explanation for TM on this latest look of hers, but it is not up on the In Style webiste yet. So bad, so sad. She should fire her current stylist.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:04 PM   #4398
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Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Fine, you caught me. I didn't delete it. But I could have, ya know. Cause I am quite powerful! Mwwhahahaha. Almost as powerful as Penske's Slave sock. And far cuter.
Thanks but we already have a Napoleon. My sources say tht you really only have the power to edit not the allmight delete function. THus, SS did not ask you bc you dont live high enough on the food chain. YOu are a fox to the hairless yet spineless lion that is the Slave. Yet we still do not have anyone admitting that they deleted the post. Is there something in the Lawtalkers rule book I can refer to on this matter?
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:05 PM   #4399
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Originally posted by bilmore

What, they threatened to send the black helicopters after her?
According to RT, they threatened her with the Secret Service and the FBI.

There were several short posts after yours, all saying that you were being outrageous in explicitly wishing for Bush's death. Was that the "pressure" you mean?
No. According to RT, the pressure consisted of one or more PMs citing to 18 USC 871 and suggesting that I, or the sponsors of the board were engaging in criminal activity. That's the "pressure" I mean.

As for me wishing for Bush's death, I didn't say that. I said I'd rather see him dead than in the White House for another four years. I'm sure it offended some people. Big Fucking Deal. Political speech often offends people. The day rarely passes when one or more posters don't say something that offends me.

As far as Bush's life being somehow sacred goes, why should his life be more important than mine? Or for that matter more important than the millions of people like me for whom stem cell research may represent not only the best, but the only chance for living out a full-term life?

I thought you were intemperate. I thought maybe RT overreacted, but I also saw her point, and, when someone who puts in time making a board that I use into a workable and friendly place, I cut her some slack, even if I disagree.
You're damn right she overreacted. I was given the choice of editing the post or having it deleted. I didn't argue with her. I didn't abuse her, I edited it. Then I posted something that said that if the Politics Board was a forum where management culd be bullied into censoring politically unpopular speech, it wasn't a forum I felt I wanted to engage in political discourse.

Has she been so unreasonable to you in the past that you can dump on her for one perceived transgression?

You must have way more friends than I do, if you can afford to dump on them so quickly.
Cite one post where I dumped on her, or said anything attacking her or insulting her. I still consider her a friend. I still consider her someone I enjoy interacting with. I'm not getting up in arms about this.

If and when the Politics Board becomes a place where every opinion can be expressed and debated, without fear of censorship, then I'll go back to posting there. Until then, I'll be hanging out here, trying to woo fringey and flirting with every female poster on the board. Cause that's just the kind of slut I am.

Take a lighten up pill, Bilmore. Either that or direct your dissatisfaction at someone who deserves it, ok? I'm not looking to mess with RT, you, or anybody else.
Send in the evil clowns.

Last edited by taxwonk; 08-18-2004 at 04:07 PM..
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:05 PM   #4400
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
You've become very paigow in your proofreading skillz. Or typing skillz. Or whatevah.
I think you should stick to pasting links to stories I already saw on
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:07 PM   #4401
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Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Well, at least Yale Law School will have a new rival for title of "law teaching least relevant to the real world." Boola, Boola.
Some of us took evidence, crim. law, crim. pro., bus. org., trial practice, IP, telcom. law.

But most of us who did had friends taking stuff like "The Book of Job" and "Medical Ethics and the law" and "History of CLS." Ugh.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:07 PM   #4402
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Originally posted by NoMoreSlave
Thanks but we already have a Napoleon. My sources say tht you really only have the power to edit not the allmight delete function. THus, SS did not ask you bc you dont live high enough on the food chain. YOu are a fox to the hairless yet spineless lion that is the Slave. Yet we still do not have anyone admitting that they deleted the post. Is there something in the Lawtalkers rule book I can refer to on this matter?
I think I can delete on the FB. Care to test it?*

*In light of the tone of the board at the moment, I point out that this is a joke. Typically I would leave it to all you smart people to figure that out.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:08 PM   #4403
Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
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Originally posted by taxwonk
And the passing comments turned into PMs to RT with federal criminal statutes cited. I don'yt know if it Was Mr. Hand who sent the PMs or not, and in any event, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.

But I stand by what I said. If even the lawyers can be manipulated into worrying about their ability to engage in political discourse, then the general public is really in trouble.
So wishing death upon the President is "political discourse" now?

Hank mentioned where I stand politically. Yes, I most likely will vote for Bush, but I am generally pretty moderate. Stem cell research is not a big issue for me personally, but I think the administration is probably being too restrictive on it.

That said, I come from a military family, and when someone makes statements about harm befalling the Commander in Chief, no matter who they may be, YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I am offended.

I'm not ashamed one bit to say that after I made my post in the hopes it might spur some self-editing I communicated with RT as a Moderator about whether the specific comment about Bush (and not anything about the substance of Wonk's position on the issue) was appropriate to remain on the board. No one broke out the US Code, and frankly, no one should have to when making such a decision. Others may have commented as well, but I don't know.

I like and respect Wonk, but I just think he can make his point without resorting to such rhetoric about the President. The Admins. here do a yeoman service and I think the evidence shows they have acted with a great deal of restraint in the last 18 months or so. That said, they also take on the burden on dealing with any repercussions (however remote their possibility) that might result from what occurs here. So, unless others who question their actions are willing to step up and shoulder the responsibililty, I too think we should cut them some slack.

Let's move on.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:09 PM   #4404
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Originally posted by Ben Lurkin

Not really being an active poster I don't know if I have any standing but a general observation from this lurker is that it seems like that there are a few posters who time and again engage each other and it turns into a flame fest. You know who you are. Why don't you ignore each other or if the management is so concerned why not create a board for flame fests where posters who like that crap can be redirected? From my observations this seems like a generally cool community, especially considering what douchebags most attorneys are and I'm betting that most people here don't care to read the constant carping between the same couple of principles.

In an effort to switch topics, for some random reason I popped Brian Wilson's "Imagination" from '98 into my CD player last night. Hadn't listened to it in years. Is this guy a fuckin musical genius or what. In particular I was groovin to "Where Has Love Been?"

Anyone hidden gems in your musical collection?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, these long paragraphs look vaguely familiar. NFH? Any ideas?

While I do enjoy the monthly music poll posts, I would rather address your question. We cannot ignore the schmuckeroo bc Rimmer took him off Ignoralbe status unjustly. Another perk of being in power that really doesnt serve any objective purpose.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:11 PM   #4405
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Some of us took evidence, crim. law, crim. pro., bus. org., trial practice, IP, telcom. law.

But most of us who did had friends taking stuff like "The Book of Job" and "Medical Ethics and the law" and "History of CLS." Ugh.
Hey, is there anybody left on the Board who doesn't know Str8 went to Yale?
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:12 PM   #4406
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Originally posted by Ben Lurkin
Anyone hidden gems in your musical collection?

(For the truly passionate BB fan.)
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:12 PM   #4407
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Some of us took evidence, crim. law, crim. pro., bus. org., trial practice, IP, telcom. law.

But most of us who did had friends taking stuff like "The Book of Job" and "Medical Ethics and the law" and "History of CLS." Ugh.
Dude. And I ask this with all requisite seriousness. Do you really think people here care about your Yale reminiscences? I've never gotten this.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:15 PM   #4408
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Some of us took evidence, crim. law, crim. pro., bus. org., trial practice, IP, telcom. law.
Have you sued them for false advertising with those titles?
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:16 PM   #4409
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Thanks but we already have a Napoleon. My sources say tht you really only have the power to edit not the allmight delete function. THus, SS did not ask you bc you dont live high enough on the food chain. YOu are a fox to the hairless yet spineless lion that is the Slave. Yet we still do not have anyone admitting that they deleted the post. Is there something in the Lawtalkers rule book I can refer to on this matter?

There is a link to the TOS in the Main Menu column.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:16 PM   #4410
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Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Dude. And I ask this with all requisite seriousness. Do you really think people here care about your Yale reminiscences? I've never gotten this.
He is trying to clean up his Mockie ticket scalper image. Would anyone care to see the PM he sent me about my mediocre law school?
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