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Old 08-24-2006, 11:51 AM   #3196
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
No no no. Pluto is like the paralegal who wants to prove so bad to himself that he is as good as the lawyers at work who most likely ignore him, unless they need something, that he joins a lawyer's board and tries to force them all to notice him.

When he gets ignored there too, he has to prove that he is as good as they are by talking about the money he wastes on expensive suits and shoes, hoping that will get him the kind of respect he so desperately craves. When that fails, he starts to brag about his looks and all the hot women who constantly make it clear to him that they want to have group sex with him because one of them once said, "Excuse me," and touched his shoulder on the subway when they had to get off.

When he meets one of the nicer lawyers on the board for the sole purpose of having her post to the rest of the board about what he looks like, reads the results and is faced with the truth -- that he looks like a fat version of everyone's favorite prop comic (no not Carrot Top, Gallagher!) -- he freaks out and accuses said lawyer of lying, instead of accepting the truth. Then, in a transparent attempt to lash out at her, he makes stuff up because he has no other recourse.

He then asks others to confirm or deny the nice female lawyer's opinion and they stay silent, not wanting to hurt his feelings further and hoping he will go away. He is doomed to be ignored, always wanting desperately to be a lawyer or maybe just to fit in with them, but knowing, deep inside, that he is just plain pathetic.

So sad. Pluto is now being almost completely ignored and yet, there it is, on the outside, circling the rest of the real planets in the dark, cold, forgotten stretches of our solar system, still wishing and hoping that anyone would consider it a planet. <Sniff.> I feel bad for Pluto. Poor, poor, dumb Pluto.

As I said at the outset: Poor Pluto.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:51 AM   #3197
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
No no no. Pluto is like the paralegal who wants to prove so bad to himself that he is as good as the lawyers at work who most likely ignore him, unless they need something, that he joins a lawyer's board and tries to force them all to notice him.

When he gets ignored there too, he has to prove that he is as good as they are by talking about the money he wastes on expensive suits and shoes, hoping that will get him the kind of respect he so desperately craves. When that fails, he starts to brag about his looks and all the hot women who constantly make it clear to him that they want to have group sex with him because one of them once said, "Excuse me," and touched his shoulder on the subway when they had to get off.

When he meets one of the nicer lawyers on the board for the sole purpose of having her post to the rest of the board about what he looks like, reads the results and is faced with the truth -- that he looks like a fat version of everyone's favorite prop comic (no not Carrot Top, Gallagher!) -- he freaks out and accuses said lawyer of lying, instead of accepting the truth. Then, in a transparent attempt to lash out at her, he makes stuff up because he has no other recourse.

He then asks others to confirm or deny the nice female lawyer's opinion and they stay silent, not wanting to hurt his feelings further and hoping he will go away. He is doomed to be ignored, always wanting desperately to be a lawyer or maybe just to fit in with them, but knowing, deep inside, that he is just plain pathetic.

So sad. Pluto is now being almost completely ignored and yet, there it is, on the outside, circling the rest of the real planets in the dark, cold, forgotten stretches of our solar system, still wishing and hoping that anyone would consider it a planet. <Sniff.> I feel bad for Pluto. Poor, poor, dumb Pluto.

Dude. you are a wack-assed loser. I'm a paralegal and you're a freakin atty wasting time on this shit. move on. I took a lying dressing down from you and are moving forward.
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:52 AM   #3198
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
No no no. Pluto is like the paralegal who wants to prove so bad to himself that he is as good as the lawyers at work who most likely ignore him, unless they need something, that he joins a lawyer's board and tries to force them all to notice him.

When he gets ignored there too, he has to prove that he is as good as they are by talking about the money he wastes on expensive suits and shoes, hoping that will get him the kind of respect he so desperately craves. When that fails, he starts to brag about his looks and all the hot women who constantly make it clear to him that they want to have group sex with him because one of them once said, "Excuse me," and touched his shoulder on the subway when they had to get off.

When he meets one of the nicer lawyers on the board for the sole purpose of having her post to the rest of the board about what he looks like, reads the results and is faced with the truth -- that he looks like a fat version of everyone's favorite prop comic (no not Carrot Top, Gallagher!) -- he freaks out and accuses said lawyer of lying, instead of accepting the truth. Then, in a transparent attempt to lash out at her, he makes stuff up because he has no other recourse.

He then asks others to confirm or deny the nice female lawyer's opinion and they stay silent, not wanting to hurt his feelings further and hoping he will go away. He is doomed to be ignored, always wanting desperately to be a lawyer or maybe just to fit in with them, but knowing, deep inside, that he is just plain pathetic.

So sad. Pluto is now being almost completely ignored and yet, there it is, on the outside, circling the rest of the real planets in the dark, cold, forgotten stretches of our solar system, still wishing and hoping that anyone would consider it a planet. <Sniff.> I feel bad for Pluto. Poor, poor, dumb Pluto.

B+. You forgot to add something about "circling Uranus."
Old 08-24-2006, 11:53 AM   #3199
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
As I said at the outset: Poor Pluto.
How will this affect the dog? I'm worried.
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:53 AM   #3200
Hank Chinaski
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
No no no. Pluto is like the paralegal who wants to prove so bad to himself that he is as good as the lawyers at work who most likely ignore him, unless they need something, that he joins a lawyer's board and tries to force them all to notice him.

When he gets ignored there too, he has to prove that he is as good as they are by talking about the money he wastes on expensive suits and shoes, hoping that will get him the kind of respect he so desperately craves. When that fails, he starts to brag about his looks and all the hot women who constantly make it clear to him that they want to have group sex with him because one of them once said, "Excuse me," and touched his shoulder on the subway when they had to get off.

When he meets one of the nicer lawyers on the board for the sole purpose of having her post to the rest of the board about what he looks like, reads the results and is faced with the truth -- that he looks like a fat version of everyone's favorite prop comic (no not Carrot Top, Gallagher!) -- he freaks out and accuses said lawyer of lying, instead of accepting the truth. Then, in a transparent attempt to lash out at her, he makes stuff up because he has no other recourse.

He then asks others to confirm or deny the nice female lawyer's opinion and they stay silent, not wanting to hurt his feelings further and hoping he will go away. He is doomed to be ignored, always wanting desperately to be a lawyer or maybe just to fit in with them, but knowing, deep inside, that he is just plain pathetic.

So sad. Pluto is now being almost completely ignored and yet, there it is, on the outside, circling the rest of the real planets in the dark, cold, forgotten stretches of our solar system, still wishing and hoping that anyone would consider it a planet. <Sniff.> I feel bad for Pluto. Poor, poor, dumb Pluto.

Hmmm. Pluto orbits the sun once every 248 years. seems to me the Para in your scenario might come around more frequently?
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:54 AM   #3201
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ironweed
B+. You forgot to add something about "circling Uranus."
Better to say "wishing it was as good as Uranus." Because it's not like it's a MOON of URANUS.
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:54 AM   #3202
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
...... everyone's favorite prop comic (no not Carrot Top, Gallagher!) ......

Cite please? I thought the Comedian's Wife said Carrot Top was beloved?
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 08-24-2006, 11:55 AM   #3203
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by patentparanyc
Dude. you are a wack-assed loser. I'm a paralegal and you're a freakin atty wasting time on this shit. move on. I took a lying dressing down from you and are moving forward.
And another thing. Why they are all silent? They are silent since you are a bully and they don't want to incur your wrath and have people turn against them, everyone steps on eggshells with you it is like the "popular" crowd ripping on the nerd and then feeling good about yourself and your little cronies. I stood my ground and continue to do so. You and your little circle o friends is not why I am here. I have my set group of friends and you do too. so really, you GO with your bad self if you want to slander someone's rep unfairly on the board and then cackle with glee after. You are an embarassment, sir, to be a member of the bar.
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:56 AM   #3204
Random Syndicate (admin)
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ltl/fb
How will this affect the dog? I'm worried.
I can only imagine that his self-esteem has also taken a blow.
Although astronomers applauded after the vote, Jocelyn Bell Burnell — a specialist in neutron stars from Northern Ireland who oversaw the proceedings — urged those who might be "quite disappointed" to look on the bright side.

"It could be argued that we are creating an umbrella called 'planet' under which the dwarf planets exist," she said, drawing laughter by waving a stuffed Pluto of Walt Disney fame beneath a real umbrella.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:57 AM   #3205
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An Observation

Originally posted by Penske_Account
No smoke signal technology where you are?
I live in the hinterlands now, so no. I've been lobbying the city council, though.
Why was I born with such contemporaries?
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:58 AM   #3206
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Deadwood parody

Originally posted by patentparanyc
Not to beat a dead horse, but I was being sarcastic. I'm prettier than her.

One of the last vetiges of annoyance I have about this whole debacle is not that I was rated chubby or not attractive but that TM is a punk and a bully and tried to accuse me of lying or being a wack job about who pays attention to me, who flirts and who is nice to me. My experiences are just that, mine and I don't embellish.

Last edited by str8outavannuys; 08-24-2006 at 12:00 PM..
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:59 AM   #3207
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Deadwood parody

Originally posted by str8outavannuys

Yeah, tell him to *ouch, quit it* and I'll let it go.
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:59 AM   #3208
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by ironweed
B+. You forgot to add something about "circling Uranus."

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Old 08-24-2006, 11:59 AM   #3209
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An Observation

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
I once made the mistake of playing Scrabble against someone who worked for the OED. It wasn't pretty.
That sounds like fun to me. At the very least you probably picked up enough to beat everyone else later on.
Why was I born with such contemporaries?
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Old 08-24-2006, 11:59 AM   #3210
Hank Chinaski
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Pluto- out of here

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
....Jocelyn Bell Burnell ........
She's cute. Not Eva Silverstein hot, but cute.

I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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