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Old 01-22-2004, 06:39 PM   #2821
I didn't do it.
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Explain to me why

Why do people do this.

A colleague came up to me at work today and he said (in a normal tone of voice,)" Guess what I did last night Leagl?" of course I asked what. He says (normal tone) "On tv I watched" (now really really quiet) "The L Word." (normal tone) "I enjoyed it it was quite good."

I mean wtf?
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:39 PM   #2822
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Important Moral Question

Originally posted by notcasesensitive
please be more specific.
I think the broad statement is perfectly appropriate here.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:40 PM   #2823
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Of Tv and Sausages

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Try the veggie sausages during lent. Ummmm.
That sounds like a very christian approach. Like my friend who gave up TV, which, to him, meant live TV. His VCR got quite a work out for those 40 days.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:40 PM   #2824
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Originally posted by robustpuppy
I am surprised to learn that you agree that a woman who pleases multiple men is a skank! Perhaps you were so enamoured with the form that you missed the substance.
All in the context, I suppose. I was thinking "at the same time" -- but I guess that's not necessarily always the case either.

OK, you got me; I'll fess up. I was thinking of Christina Aguileira. (I can't HELP it! I hear "skank" and immediately an image of her in some lurid outfit (no doubt posted here by a helpful soul) pops into my mind.

I'm so ashamed....
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:41 PM   #2825
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Explain to me why

Originally posted by leagleaze
Why do people do this.

A colleague came up to me at work today and he said (in a normal tone of voice,)" Guess what I did last night Leagl?" of course I asked what. He says (normal tone) "On tv I watched" (now really really quiet) "The L Word." (normal tone) "I enjoyed it it was quite good."

I mean wtf?
If it's a she, she's bi-curious.

If it's a he, he's on to your ways, and wants to come over to watch live sometime. Perhaps he'll bring sausage, so don't reject him out of hand.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:42 PM   #2826
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Important Moral Question

Originally posted by ltl/fb
Not of this particular house, which is one of only two houses available in the entire neighborhood in question. The other one is quite different (and unappealing to me) so even if there were a virtual tour of it, it would not be helpful. The unappealing one is for sale by owner so I doubt there is a virtual tour of it.

I don't go for the McMansion crap where the builder has virtual crap tours. Because that's crap.
Agents have people. They come it with their digital cameras and their laptops and it takes all of 20 minutes. We had a virtual thing shot in our house when we sold it last year. It was cool.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:42 PM   #2827
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Important Moral Question

Originally posted by ltl/fb
I have no moral sense. When I asked "How are you?" (after responding to same question from her) she responed "I'm blessed." This makes me never want to use her as a seller's agent . . . but I made the appt. anyway. I did tell her honestly that my current house is not on the market.
You are worried about wasting the time of someone trying to sell you a big ticket item? They simply consider it more of a challenge.

And it good that she feels blessed. I'll bet she's a very sweet woman. Go into this with an open mind!
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:42 PM   #2828
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Explain to me why

Originally posted by leagleaze
Why do people do this.
He wants to you know that he is down with your radical anti-establishmentism. Also, lesbians are cool these days. He wants you to know that he is now cool by tv-show-association.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:44 PM   #2829
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bad kisser

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
But how would you feel if your husband wore these clothes?
Two things:

One: I realize now (after reading more carefully) that someone was talking about long-sleeved t-shirt plus POLO shirt -- Gak! That is NOT the look I'm talking about. (Imagine here that photo of the vomiter resulting from the combination of James Lipton and Tom Cruise -- on one special two-hour episode of "Actor's Studio").

Two: That look wouldn't really be good on my husband, but I saw some movie with Colin Farrell in it (I'm not really a fan, but whatever...) the other day (The Recruit? Is there such a movie?) and he was sporting that look -- and he looked juuuuust fine.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:44 PM   #2830
Jimmy Dean
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Of Tv and Sausages

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Try the veggie sausages during lent. Ummmm.
Hey there, little buddy. I don't mean to be a Suspicious Alouicious, but it looks like you may trying to muscle in on my meat. My sausages are made from the choicest ingredients and spiced to perfection. My customers find my sausage much more satisfying than those limp curd tubes you're pushing.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:44 PM   #2831
I didn't do it.
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Of Tv and Sausages

Originally posted by Jimmy Dean
I have no problems delaying my gratification. Although I was looking forward to displaying my wares to leagleaze.
Does Jimmy Dean have hot italian sausage? I adore hot italian sausage. Of course, for health reasons I rarely eat it. But if you have it, I would gladly eat yours, if only to show my appreciation for your meat.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:44 PM   #2832
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Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Let's take a poll! How many of us are Penske?
I am Penske, and so is my wife!
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:47 PM   #2833
I didn't do it.
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Explain to me why

He wants to you know that he is down with your radical anti-establishmentism. Also, lesbians are cool these days. He wants you to know that he is now cool by tv-show-association.
I can appreciate this. I mean I am after all, incredibly cool. But why whisper it?

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
If it's a she, she's bi-curious.

If it's a he, he's on to your ways, and wants to come over to watch live sometime. Perhaps he'll bring sausage, so don't reject him out of hand.
Hmm, so you are suggesting he might hand me some sausage? Intriguing.
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:47 PM   #2834
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Originally posted by dtb
All in the context, I suppose. I was thinking "at the same time" -- but I guess that's not necessarily always the case either.

OK, you got me; I'll fess up. I was thinking of Christina Aguileira. (I can't HELP it! I hear "skank" and immediately an image of her in some lurid outfit (no doubt posted here by a helpful soul) pops into my mind.

I'm so ashamed....
I'll fess up to meaning "at the same time", too, or some such thing.

And I'll fess that my meaning of "please" may be euphemistic. It's just one meaning among many.

So does the euphemistic as opposed to the literal man pleaser, manpleaser or man-pleasing woman get hyphenated differently, or are all man pleasers the same?
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Old 01-22-2004, 06:47 PM   #2835
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Important Moral Question

Originally posted by NotFromHere
Agents have people. They come it with their digital cameras and their laptops and it takes all of 20 minutes. We had a virtual thing shot in our house when we sold it last year. It was cool.
I'm not sure how to put this in words you will understand. There is no virtual tour of the house I want to look at. No one has come through with cameras and laptops. I am not the seller (if I were, I would not be needing someone else to take me through it) so I can't arrange for there to be a virtual thingy. 20 minutes is longer than she appears to be alloting for me to see the house, anyway. There is only minimal information about this house on the seller's agent's website. It did not have dimensions of rooms or anything. Just square footage and number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and some stuff about a new range.

Can you understand this? If not, PM PLF and he will explain to you.
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