Originally posted by viet_mom
Hi fashionistas. Does anyone know the proper name of the type of skirt that is long, and is really unevenly hemmed at the bottom? For example, it's kind of like a handkerchief in that the front of it comes down in a point, and on the sides it is short, and then kind of goes around at different heights. I just saw a gal wearing one and she said she got it at Lord and Taylor (unfortunately, no place to buy from L&T online) and it was ADORABLE. So feminine with a sexy pair of strappy shoes. I've already bothered her enough and short of grabbing the back of her skirt and yanking it open to peak down to see the tag (same method used to check for poos in Viet Babe's diaper), I have no further info. It was a burgundyish color, maybe paisley. Maybe it was just cute because she is really thin and tan, but still I'd like to find it.
Please don't use the word diaper here. It's inappropriate.
Was it like a sarong? A dress or actual skirt. Or maybe this.
eta, sorry I couldn't help myself when I saw this.