Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
Claire's abortion during Season 3 of Six Feet Under was handled with so little fuss that it was a refreshing plot twist, rather than a major issue.
episode recap here
I didn't see either that episode or the one after, but this was what the NYT had to say re: abortion on SFU:
"Six Feet Under" has also featured an abortion — and like "Everwood," it did so in a highly ambivalent context. In the show's third season, Claire (Lauren Ambrose) realized she was pregnant by her most-likely-gay ex-boyfriend. A freshman at an art college, she was matter-of-fact about her decision: "Do you think you could give me a ride?" she asked Brenda (Rachel Griffiths). "I have to get an abortion."
But in the next episode, Claire hallucinated that she saw her father and other dead characters — one of whom was her fetus, who appeared as an apple-cheeked infant. That was the show's second aborted-fetus-as-person reverie; in the previous season, the promiscuous Nate (Peter Krause) was faced with the children he might have had, including a 7-year-old girl who said to him: "Hi. You killed me." And then: "I don't harbor any bad feelings or anything. I'm pro-choice. Well, at least I would be, if I were alive."
The FTaRH abortion seemed fairly uneventful, unless I am remembering incorrectly.
RT: Did Manny get pregnant by Craig? Did she tell him? Or do we not know, because the N didn't show it?