Random discovery
Originally posted by str8outavannuys
This weekend I unpacked the last of my boxes in my office (I moved last September, whoops). This was the box with the "Str8's past" stuff -- old newspaper clippings, reference letters, college application essays, and most importantly, photos of ex-girlfriends and letters from same. This time, I was able to fight off the urge to phone/e-mail/mail them. I also put them in a place that my wife is unlikely to look for them. She knows I keep this crap, she just doesn't want to stumble across them.
Anyways, RT, my reaction this time was one of wondering about the choices I've made that have led me to where I now find myself, and wondering where various people were now and what they were doing with their lives, but this was mostly unaccompanied by disappointment or regret (as opposed to the last few times I've looked over this stuff). How did you feel going over your old keepsakes?
This sounds kind of sad, Str8. Did you marry the wrong woman? Did you let your love go? I have kept lots of letters from old flames until very recently, when I was on a cleaning binge and tossed all sorts of stuff that used to make me sentimental, which now seemed lost in time somewhere. I think that was a defining moment in affirming that I really care for the Bunnyman, that I no longer felt the need to lug around all the old crap. But then I heard that the most serious of past Bunnymen (who I was dating when I first started posting) is getting married to "some Peruvian floozy" he met a year ago in Rio. (he called her this, I didn't and my heart kind of sunk a bit and I thought about all those letters I had trashed. But I was still glad I trashed them, and still glad I trashed the ones from like 4 others I had been keeping.
So he's proactive, huh?
Oh, God, yes. We're talking about a totally outrageous paradigm.
Excuse me, but "proactive" and "paradigm"? Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important? Not that I'm accusing you of anything like that.