Originally posted by baltassoc
I disagree with this. Anything short of triplets and I'd go ahead and take the bar immediately.
But if at all possible, don't work while studying for it. No one will blink at just studying for the bar the summer after graduation, but if you try to take it some other time, you'll be studying for the bar, raising a kid, and working. While it's doable, I think you'll find that the area that gets shortest shrift in that situation is raising the kid, and this will be disappointing to you.
Numbskull. dads don't do shit for the first 2 years anyway. Who cares.
My own story is sort of instructive. baltassoc's sister was 8 months preggers while I was studying for the bar. So the normal "stop and pop" tension relief i had during LS was not available while bar cramming.
we did stain a dress or two IYKWIM