Originally posted by Mister_Ruysbroeck
Wife knows about the site. I remember telling her about it at dinner one night while we were still hanging out at the Stalin Boards. She didn't care. I give her updates every now and then and she seems less than interested. Though, when I am having intense IM conversations about board BS when it's time to go to bed she will often say stuff like "Stop talking to your imaginary lawyer friends. It's time for bed."
She knows I meet up with LT people when I'm on trips and doesn't care. I tell her who I'm meeting up with and everything I know about the person and when I get back she asks if I had a good time. It's nice that she's not threatened at all. But, since I mostly meet up with guys when I'm on trips, I don't see how she could be. The FBetties are scared of me, I guess.
Friends and family don't know about it. Not that it's a secret, it's just never come up. I'm not one of those people who talk to my family every day, so when we do talk, it's about big developments rather than the minutae (sp?).
Now I am imagining MR and Mrs. MR sitting in bed having a conversation about me and SD. I am picturing Frances McDormand and "Norm" in "Fargo"...