Arnold's special smoking huesli on the Capitol lawn
may have contributed to the basement of the Capitol building being flooded.
Also among the Gov's accomplishments this week was
vetoing a bill that would have phased out use of "Redskins" as a school mascot, because the law was "another nonacademic state administrative requirement for schools to comply with takes more focus away from getting kids to learn at the highest level." No word yet on how school boards are supposed to focus on getting kids to learn at the highest level when the Governor has just slipped them this political football. Money quotation, from GOP legislator for affected school: "People can make anything ignoble if they want to. What's next - bullfrogs, because they are green and slimy?" Nice.
The Governor's love of local control does not extend, however, to business regulation, as he
vetoed a measure that would have permitted local governments to certify businesses that operated in environmentally friendly ways, because the bill would not allow local governments to "respond to the needs of businesses in their community." Very nice.
Meanwhile, the Governor also vetoed a bill that would have required hotels to install certain handicapped accessiblity and safety measures in bathrooms, on the ground that --- get this, now --- the legislation was "unneccessary" because the same result could be accomplished through regulations.
This guy is an empty, albeit rather large, suit that spouts a series of soundbites that aren't even a
coherent version of GOP talking points. What a yutz.