Originally posted by Not Me
Thanks for your non-response. This is just another example of a man who is about nothing but himself and places himself above everything else.
Ah. So your indignation is not that the candidate holds office while campaigning for another one, it's that the candidate did not arrive to vote on lopsided issues where he would not have changed the outcome.
I have not held Bush up to the "Do Texas No Harm" standard during his 2000 campaign, so I've not bothered to fisk it. But I might suggest that presidential campaigns being what they are, EVERY candidate ends up shirking his/her official duties to some degree, so you'd better save up that outrage.
I'd call this "just another example of people who are inclined to hate Kerry and reach the same conclusion based on the way he parts his hair."
To-ma-to, to-mah-to.