Originally posted by sunnybunny
That's right. Would you like me to tell you what I think you deserve?
Since sunnybunny is apparently preoccupied, I'll step to the plate and take a swing at this one.
You, my tangy little two-bit, coked-out, syphilis-ridden trash-whore, deserve to be tied to the wall of your pathetic, soulless McMansion, with your eyes propped open by those Clockwork Orange-thingies, and watch a continuous loop video of the wives and girlfriends of every man you have tempted into sinful cheaterdom, who explain in excruciating detail and with sickeningly sweet voices the pain that you have caused them, but that they have found in in their heart and through Jesus to forgive you, while acoustic Christian church music plays in the background.
Then, after about a year of this, you deserve to rot in jail for the rest of your life and be ass-fucked daily by Fringey.