Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
[hank's litigation analogy of how Cheney's "I've never met you before today" gaffe would play]
Wouldn't it go like that, kind of?
So, you're saying that Cheney's statement was fake but accurate?
If this were in trial, a smart lawyer would play the clip from Cheney's "deposition" (not to be confused with a "deposition" in FB Land) while cross-examining him. The actual tone and language of the questions to Cheney might vary depending upon whether the smart lawyer was a folksy Matlock type or a cutting Joyce Davenport type, but he and his credibility would be toast when it was over. After setting him up with a bunch of questions about how careful and prudent he must be in his job just a heartbeat away from the Big Red Button, he'd either look like a liar or an idiot for saying what he did. Even to a Podunkville jury.
Thankfully for you, that isn't how it works, and he can get friendly types to carry his water for him. But, bottom line, he acted without thinking everything through, tossed out a bit of hyperboele that he thought would make his point for him, and now we're talking about his goof instead of Edwards's attendance record. Not a huge deal, but it's a lost gain for BC-04.