Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Nothing. Thats it. Game's up.
I just followed your explanation as to why people bought in. (Paraphrasing follows): You said "fear". I said "fear of what". You said "fear of not having tomorrow what you have today"., and I say "what do they want tomorrow that they have today" and you say "Nothing. That's it. Game's up."
I'm not starting over with you, my dear genius, but you said they wanted something, and now you are saying they don't. What's the point?
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Death is permanent and definite, without exception. No appeals, no loopholes.
I wasn't asking what you pretend to think, my rebellious friend. The question was why every society in existence independently bought in when it was offered.
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
What really makes you NEED religion? Its not some innate need to be spiritual. Its not some innate need to be moral. You can do both of those secularly. You need an escape valve from the one thing you can't get around. You know it, I know it. Why bullshit around it?
Religion itself? That's another question. I'm not asking why someone needs religion. I'm asking why people uniformly and independently bought into even the concept of the Mountain and the Messenger.
In any case, you just said Nothing. That's it. Game's up. If true, why do we need an escape valve from that?
He(and maaaaa, he's starting it with the ventriloquist act again)llo