Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
POLL: If you won the lottery* tomorrow ($150 MM, after taxes) and didn't care about burning bridges or a fucked up reputation, how would you leave your firm (job, whatever) in a blaze of glory? I think about this shit all the time (sad, hunh?). Think of the legend you would be if you did something really good. Hell, I love it when a smarmy departure email goes around.
As I said, I think about it all the time, but the best I can come up with is taking a shit on a certain partner's desk in the middle of the day (I didn't even invent that). And if I ever win the lottery, I will post a photo of same here.
But someone here has to be more creative or evil than this.
*Not the Spanish one
I'd be going back to my prior firm and taking a shit on several desks there. I'd probably stay at the current firm for an extended period to help with transition (probably stay for at least 3-4 hours).
The alternative is I'd stay for a week or so (and not tell anyone I'd won), but I'd hire one of those huge Samoan bodyguards you always see on ET and post him at my door so that nobody could come in to give me stuff to do.