Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I wasn't allowed to have toy guns. In fact, my mother mandated that others' toy guns were not allowed inside the house: we had a "toy gun guarantine area" on the front porch.
You and me both, bruddah. I couldn't even point sticks at people and go, "bang." [There's a set up for a joke if I ever saw one.]
My mother was very strict about how we were to react when receiving gifts from other people. Whether we liked them or not, we would appear appreciative and happy to receive them (even the socks from that old lady who lived upstairs, if you could believe that!). And we never returned gifts. Ever.
I thought I was slick once and had my friend buy (with mostly my money) me Laser Tag for Christmas. He bought a set too and we played for a good hour before my mom got home from work, secure in the fact that my mother would solve this dilemma in favor of me keeping the gift and not disappointing my friend who had been so thoughtful. Yeah. Uh...no. Another one of his friends got it and I was out the $39.99 (or whatever). Fucking humbug.