Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
1. I was in a corner store today, buying a gatorade -- just waiting on line. The person in front of me bought a pack of Marlboros. The guy behind the counter said, "$7." I looked on the counter to see what else was being purchased. Nothing. Just cigarettes. Seven fucking dollars. Can you believe that shit? A pack a day habit would run you over $2,500 a year. Jesus.
2. Barry Bonds can kiss my ass. What a fucking moron. Did anyone else hear his rant yesterday? I can't believe this guy. He actually thinks he's the greatest and that the press has fed lies to everyone and that steroids don't help you in baseball.
He called the press in the room liars to their faces. Is there some rule in journalism that keeps you from saying, "Fuck you, Barry. You're a lying, cheating sack of shit and I'm here to write about it"?
1. $7 a pack and lung cancer to boot. No wonder they have to make the shits addictive.
2. No, Barry but my kid probably has as good hand eye coordination as you, just when he makes contact, the ball one-hops over third base because his arms are the size of a pretzel rod. Steroids don't help you make contact but they sure make a difference to where the ball goes.
I'll give Pudge the benefit of the doubt. There is a reason the call him "pudge".