Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
it's friday, so time to chew someone out. Fuck you hotel that was in for, and between, meetings yesterday for not offering free WiFi.
I don't expect every tiny icecream store to provide wifi, but if you're a good sized hotel charging even better-sized prices, can't you throw your visitors a bone and spread the joy of internet? You have a doorman to keep out the riffraff looking for a place to download porn--at least let your customers do something productive in your nice lobby for free.
I rarely, if ever, see nice, business-type hotels providing free WiFi. The ones that do it for free are usually the mid-market types, like Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn, etc. I usually get charged $8-10 at nicer hotels, and then you usually have to put in your room number and sometimes your last name. YMMV, of course.
Generally, though, I have had much better luck recently at finding open networks to mooch off of. There are a lot of places I frequent all over Chicago where you can get reliable, fast anonymous WiFi. There are even several Starbucks where you can get a free network from some act in the neighborhood and not use theirs. Hopefully, I'm not getting sniffed.