Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
You're a toe-sucker? hmm. That changes my whole perception of you...
I think that sleeping with FBers probably has more of a chilling effect on the discussion of sexual practices and preferences than mockery. Everyone who posts here puts his or herself at risk of mockery on any subject.
Are you trying to get me to admit that I like vibrators?
I would not suck on my own toes, even after an hour-long pedicure, so I wouldn't expect someone else to. I don't want to suck on anyone else's toes either. I was thinking this was a cleanliness thing - but I like finger-sucking and hands are probably just as germ-infested. Of course, everyone washes thoroughly before they have sex with me.
To answer sebastian's question, I think women do like foot massages more because they wear uncomfortable shoes.