Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
You know, we should write a book on such things and sell it (through the lawtalkers link) on Amazon. Surely there are other spinsters out there thinking about man-trapping, but they don't know how to go about doing it.
We could keep the site going for years from the proceeds.
Have any of the FB men been mantrapped? They could tell their side of the story.
I was involved with a fellow who was caught in a man trap but chewed his foot off and escaped. As I understand it, it was a happy ending for him. Got a son he adores but escaped the trap (and took the ring with him). Thats the problem with mantrapping- its the woman who always gets jacked in the end. Unless of course the woman takes solace from ducking the hovering cloud of menopause. Its like a sperm bank that pays a monthly check if you look at it that way I suppose. Then its a win-win for everyone.
ETA , I know another mantrapping story with a happier ending. Guy is a broker at Merrill. Gal is from the other side of the tracks, receptionist or secretary or something at Merrill. They start fucking. She gets knocked up (ooops) and viola, they are married before she gets too big. They are still together.
I guess the moral of the story is that while nothing is guaranteed, some mantrappers end up with a happy ending. Assuming that is a happy ending. Anyway, to lady number one, I say cheers to finally popping out a kid before drying up and to lady number two, I say namaste to fighting your way out of that trailer park. Thats the easier route to go than a state law school