Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Depends on how quick, swift, and potent the retribution Bush can bring on Voinovich. If none, then others may break soon. I don't have time to count votes, but at least a couple of the moderate Rs are up for reelection in 2006, and will have to worry about holding the middle in their states (Snowe, Chaffee, at least). There may not be five votes this time, but why hasn't frist gone nuclear yet? Probably he's not certain he has 50 Rs yet.
BTW, if the Dems filibuster, isn't a presidential appointment
not subject to lifetime appointment even a better argument against this countermajoritarian strategy? Why not go nuclear over this, when the Dems don't even have the option to say "but this is for life". Bolton's out when Bush is out (effectively), so why shouldn't the President get his person now?