Farm subsidies and the KKK
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Do you believe the Bible is sacred but the Koran not?
From a literary and creative perspective, I am offended by the Koran. Its a shitty work. The author didn't even come up with his own entirely new characters or plot. He just threw together a shitty sequel to the Old and New Testaments. of one to the other, or claim one is divine while the other not?
Come on Sebby, give old Mohammed a break, he was busy with the booze and his blushing 5 year old bride.
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
. As far as religions go, Judaism is Star wars, Christianity is the Empire Strikes Back and Islam... well, its Return of the Jedi. Yep, Ewoks and all...
More like the little known independent film, the Autobiography of JarJar Blinks.
.....I am a cold, cruel and hard socker. You must not be sensitive when it comes to me or my socks.