Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Okay, but this doesn't make Byrd any less reprehensible. I don't understand why Dems who would throw a Repub under the bus for Byrd-esque past activities and stances rush to the guy's defense because he now votes for stuff they like. Hypocritical and a good example of what is wrong with our two party system today. And (in case I don't post here enough for you to know) I'm a Dem. If I have to put up with these labels.
I despise Byrd, and am not "rushing to his defense."
Last week, I noted that Helms continues to insist in his new autobio that segregation was a good and wonderful thing that would have ended naturally, due to the inherent goodness of southern white folk, if only those uppity niggras and jew activists had gotten involved. Club responded that Helms must have learned that from Byrd. This week, Byrd came out, and at least admitted that joining the KKK was "a mistake." Not evil, but a "mistake" (sort of like the Pope's view on being a Nazi, but whatever).
Cue the Wahhabi Repubs to explain how Dems are all racist because Lincoln freed the slaves.