Originally posted by Penske_Account
You expose yourself as the true board dick for showing this much disrespect for a dead woman killed at the hands of an unapologetic elitist fvckstain!
Perhaps you would be interested in a victim's statement. A friend forwarded me the following via email, which purportedly may be an actual email from the great beyond from Ms. Kopechne:
[b]subject: Remember Me?
From: Mary Jo Kopechne
to: the political naifs of the modern age, eg: Sexual Panda
Technical analysis of this letter using the Truthinator tool on the website
www.bushisevilrepublicanssuck.com strongly indicates it is not the work of MJK from beyond, but is in fact from Billy Joe Bob Henderson, a laid-off convenience store clerk living in the Shady Acres Mobile Park and Bowlerama in Walcott, Alabama. I suspect this is yet another bogus internet email hoax by a freedom-hating misogynistic xenophobic Free Republic addict.