Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
You are focused on abs today.
I totally agree. When I bartended, this used to happen now and then. I don't think that anyone's status ever improved as a result. Quite the opposite.
Thurgreed's advice about unavailability is spot-on. I think it is universally true that if you have a kernel of interest in someone, and they become unavailable to a certain degree, that kernel grows into a whole ear of corn. Familiarity breeds contempt and all that. And if there's no kernel to begin with, unavailability of the other person preserves that other person's dignity.
Lets see, I got a call from this cute six foot three organic farmer (right up my alley, right?). I was trying to nap so I let it go to voicemail. He called again during my nap. Then he called again and I answered and explained that I had sent him an email in response to his calls and then he called again! I let it go to voivcemiail. He went from definite possibility to possibly a definite stalker. Spanky, are you listening to me?>